A‑Site and B‑Site Cation Ordering Induces Polar and Multiferroic Behavior in the Perovskite NaLnNiWO6 (Ln = Y, Dy, Ho, and Yb)

A‑Site and B‑Site Cation Ordering Induces Polar and Multiferroic Behavior in the Perovskite NaLnNiWO6 (Ln = Y, Dy, Ho, and Yb)

We report that an unusual combination of the layered A-site cation ordering and B-site rock salt ordering in NaYNiWO6 prepared under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions results not only in a polar (P21) structure, as revealed by the neutron diffraction analysis, but exhibits multiferroic properties below the magnetic ordering of Ni2+ ions (TN = 21 K). Analysis of the neutron diffraction data at 20 K reveals an incommensurate sinusoidal spin ordering with the propagation vector, ki = (0.471(2), 0, 0.491(4)), and a commensurate collinear spin structure with kc = (0.5, 0, 0.5) below 18 K. X-ray diffraction data confirm the polar structure in Dy, Ho, and Yb compounds. All four compounds exhibit a switchable change in electric polarization (ΔP) at the magnetic ordering temperatures, demonstrating coupling between ferroelectricity and magnetism.

Crystal structure and polarization of NaYNiWO6