Welcome to the home page of the High Performance Computing Facility at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR). In 2020, JNCASR was chosen to be a node under the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) by the Government of India, and hosts the supercomputing facility called Param Yukti. Param Yukti is part of a network of supercomputing facilities in the country, and caters to the ever increasing demands of high performance computing for scientific and engineering research.
JNCASR facilitates the administration of activities under NSM and the maintenance of Param Yukti. The resources of Param Yukti are shared by the JNCASR community, users directly funded by NSM, neighboring educational institutes, and other users. Some research areas in which Param Yukti is being used are:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Climate Modelling
- Computational Physics / Materials Science
- Computational Chemistry
- Life Sciences and Medicine
Keep an eye on the latest announcements for calls for proposals to use the facility. The application form can be downloaded from here.