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About TWAS
The World Academy of Science (TWAS) for the Advancement of Science in developing countries is an autonomous international organization founded in 1983 in Trieste, Italy, by a distinguished group of scientists from the developing world under the leadership of Noble laureate Abdus Salam of Pakistan. It was officially launched as the “Third World Academy of Sciences” by the Secretary General of the United Nations in 1985.
The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (UNESCO-TWAS) works to support sustainable prosperity through research, education, policyand diplomacy
TWAS was founded in 1983 by a distinguished group of scientists from the developing world,under the leadership of Pakistani physicist Abdus Salam, Nobel Prize winner in 1979. By the end of 2021, UNESCO-TWAS had more than 1,300 elected Fellows—11 of them Nobel laureates— representing 108 countries. The Academy is based in Trieste, Italy, on the campus of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). TWAS, a programme unit of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), receives its core funding from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) provides essential funding for TWAS programmes. Through more than three decades, TWAS mission has remained consistent, namely, to:
- Recognize, support and promote excellence in scientific research in the developing world
- Respond to the needs of young scientists in countries that are lagging in science and technology
- Promote South-South and South-North cooperation in science, technology and innovation, and
- Encourage scientific research and sharing of experiences in solving major challenges faced by developing countries.
TWAS has established a few National Chapters in different countries. These Chapters meet to discuss issues of common concern including the role of sustainable development. The Chapters also enables scientists involved with TWAS Research Grants and Fellowship Programmes to link to their nation wider scientific communities.
TWAS has established 5 Regional Offices to enable to organise various programmes for the promotion of science in the developing worlds. These offices cover : (a) Latin American and Carribean region, (b) East and South East Asia and Pacific region, (c) Central and South Asia regions, (d)Arab region and (e) Sub Saharan African region.
About us
The Academy of Sciences for The Developing World (hereinunder referred to as TWAS) and the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (herein under referred to as JNCASR), recognizing the importance of strengthening cooperation and reinforcing the impact of TWAS’s activities in Central and South Asia, hereby agree to the following;
1. ]NCASR shall host the TWAS by providing secretarial and administrative assistance and office space. It shall coordinate efforts to promote the activities of TWAS and its affiliated organizations in Central and South Asia region, including training fellowships, grants, awards, networks, as recommended in the Academy’s current and future strategic plans.
2. In particular, the Regional Partner shall:
(i) enhance the visibility of TWAS among young and promising scientists, policy —makers and media through, for example, the organization of public lectures, discussion meetings, television programmes and local newspapers /magazines;
(ii) identify eminent scientists in the region and nominate them for TWAS membership and awards;
(iii) assess the vitality and effectiveness of TWAS ‘s activities in the region;
(iv) organize activities in areas of science and technology of critical importance to the region;
3. Activities of Regional Partner shall include periodic meetings of TWAS members, TWAS symposia and lectures and the creation of a website to be linked to the TWAS homepage, Reports of activities of Regional Offices shall be published in the TWAS Newsletter and website.
Live streaming TWAS event on Climate change, water, food, energy and health of the Planet to be held on Saturday 15 June
- Science Diplomacy Workshop held online during 17-21 October 2022 in association with NIAS during 17-21 October, 2022
- Young Scientists Online Meeting on “ Air Quality, Water Resources, Energy and Climate Change” click here for details October 25-27, 2021
Click Here For Registration
- Education & Learning – Pandemic Times- November 24-26, 2020
Click Here For Registration
Call for Nomination
Call for applications of the 2025 AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy (21-24 July 2025)
- TWAS Fellowship Opportunities
- Call for Application for 2024 Training Program & Inter-Laboratory Comparison
- Call for Applications: 2025 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early Career Women Scientists in the Developing World
- Royal Society International Collaboration Awards –Call for Applications.pdf
call for UNESCO-Russia Mendeleev International Prize in the Basic Sciences
The Science & Diplomacy journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Current TWAS opportunities
UNESCO-TWAS Executive Director Webinar invitation/announcement
ICGEB-BWC-TWAS-IAP Course on Virus Detection & Biosecurity, & Science Diplomacy
2023 Call for Applications for PhD and PDoc fellowships in Pakistan and PhD scholarship in China
Nature-Dev Symp_Program.pdf -
TWAS-SISSA-Lincei Research Cooperation Visits Programme deadline extended
Call_for_Applications-TWAS YOUNG AFFILIATES 2023 last date of application is 15th May 2023
Call for TWAS Regional Partner Award 2023 last day of application is 15th May 2023
2023 International Training Workshop on Open Science and SDGs, China
OWSD Early Career Fellowship - Deadline 27 APRIL 2023
EC_2023_Call for Applications.pdf -
Call for nominations - 2023 TWAS-CAS Award and TWAS-named Awards : DEADLINE 15 MAY
Call for Seed Grant for New African Principal Investigators (SG-NAPI) 2023
Call for applications of the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy
Call for Applications Science Diplomacy Workshop (October 17-21, 2022, India)
Launch of IAP webinar report on Countering Vaccine Hesitancy
TWAS-Elsevier Foundation new project grants for women in climate action
1st International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) with TWAS parallel session
- TWAS Young Affiliates 2021
- Science in Exile webinar "Long-term support of refugee and displaced scientists: the power of mentorship"
- African-German Scientific Exchange in the Field of Public Health
- Dissemination - CTBTO Science and Technology Conference 2021 (SnT21)
- Dissemination - Launch of the 2020 TWAS Awards Webinar Series - Invitation to the first webinar on agricultural science, 10 June 2021, 1 p.m., Rome time
- Seed Grant for New African Principal Investigators (SG-NAPI)
- Science in Exile initiative - Dissemination
- AAAS David and Betty Hamburg Award for Science Diplomacy - Dissemination
- 2021 TWAS Regional Award
- 2021 IsDB - TWAS Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme Call - Dissemination | Brochure
- 2021 AAAS-TWAS Science Diplomacy training programme - dissemination
- Australian Academy of Sciences - survey and sharing personal stories on pandemic DISSEMINATION
- Call for nominations - 2021 TWAS AWARDS
- CSIR Postgraduate fellowships
- CSIR Postdoctoral fellowships
- SN Bose Postgraduate fellowships
- SN Bose Postdoctoral fellowships\
- OWSD PhD Fellowships
- Dissemination - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization conference
- Call for Nomination for Science Forum South Africa
- survey from the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)
- Call for Nominations “OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards for early career women scientists from the developing world.
- UNESCO Open Science consultation
- Call for Nominations “Refugee and Displaced Young Scientists Programme.
- call for nominations "TWAS Fellow Awards 2020
- Call for Nominations “TWAS YOUNG AFFILIATESHIP 2020
- Call for nominations "TWAS REGIONAL AWARDS 2020
- Call for Applications 2020 - OWSD Early Career Fellowships
- TWAS-Lenovo Science Award in Agricultural Sciences_call for 2020 nominations
- TWAS-ASM Regional Workshop on Science Diplomacy
- Call for applications -TWAS Fellowships in Pakistan
- For the Postgraduate programme (Click here)
- For the for Postdoctoral programme (Click here)
- Call for applications -TWAS Fellowships in Pakistan
- Calls for applications - TWAS/BioVisionAlexandria.NXT 2020
- "2020 OWSD-Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early Career Women Scientists"
- "Nominations invited for 2019 TWAS Women scientists prizes"
- "Nominations invited for 2019 TWAS Regional Prize"
- "CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR OWSD PhD and Early Career Fellowship"
- TWAS UNESCO Associateship Scheme 2018 call for applications
- The Call is open for nominations for the OPCW workshop on ‘Policy & Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences’, New Delhi, India, 30 Oct – 2 Nov 2018."Note by the Technical Secretariat & Application Form"
- Workshop on Climate Change during December 5-7, 2018
- TWAS Research and Advanced Training Fellowship: 2018 Call for Applications"
- 2018 TWAS Regional Office Prize "Science Diplomacy"
- [Twas Members] Call for nominations_TWAS Awards to scientists in LDCs
- NF_2018CNRRaoAward | NF_TWAS-SamiraOmarPrize_2018
- [Twas Members] Nominations sought_TWAS Prizes and Awards
- Nominations sought _TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize in Engineering Sciences
- [Twas Members] Call for nominations_TWAS Prizes and TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences
- 2018 TWAS Young Affiliates - Call for Nomination
- TWASBioVisionAlexandria.NXT 2018
- TWAS Research Professors in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Programme | Application Form
- Workshop on Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists
- Nominations sought_TWAS Prize and Awards 2017
- TWAS Research and Advanced Training Fellowship: 2017 | Application Form
- Nominations for TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize 2017
- TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize in Geological Sciences | Application Form
- "PRESS RELEASE: Refugee Scientists Workshop"
- "Nominations invited for 2017 TWAS Membership"
- 2017 TWAS Regional Office Prize "Public Understanding and Popularization of Science"
- Nominations sought _ 2017TWAS Prizes and 2017 TWAS-Siwei Cheng Prize in Economic Sciences
- TWAS YOUNG AFFILIATES 2017 - Call for Nomination
- Photos of Frontiers in Earth and Climate Science held at Bangalore During 5 - 7 Dec, 2016
- 2016 TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme_deadline 1 December-CONICET'S RESEARCH UNITS
- 2016 TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme_deadline 1 December -Centres Participating in the Scheme
- 2016 TWAS-UNESCO Associateship Scheme_deadline 1 December - APPLICATION FORM
- Young Physician Leaders Programme
- Nominations for TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize 2016
- [TWAS-MBRS] TWAS-Lenovo Science Prize in Chemical Sciences | Application Form
- [TWAS-MBRS]Fayzah M. Al-Kharafi Prize 2016
- TWAS Young Affiliates 2016
- TWAS Regional Office Prize 2016
- TWAS/Biovision.NXT 2016
- CNR Rao & Atta-Ur Rahman Prize 2016
Development, Formatting, Production of print-ready copies at ETU Education Technology Unit has developed and produced print-ready copies at ETU.
Books produced in English and Kannada are: Understanding Chemistry by Prof. C.N.R. Rao
Learning Science- Part 1 to 4 by Indumati Rao & C.N. R. Rao
Vignyana Kaliyona - Samputa 1 to Samputa 4 by Indumati Rao and C.N.R. Rao
Contact Information
Prof. G. U. Kulkarni
The President of Host Institute & TWAS-CASAREP
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research,
Bangalore, India
Tel: +91-80-22082752 / 22082936
E-mail: twascasarep@jncasr.ac.in / bangalore@twas.org