ट्रांसक्रिप्शनल एक्टिवेशन की पश्चजात भाषा


Epigenetic Language of Transcriptional Activation
We are trying to understand the language of epigenetic marks that underlie the signal towards transcriptional activation under normal conditions. We are also trying to correlate this epigenetic phenomenon with pathophysiological states such as cancer and AIDS and infectious diseases (like Mastitis and Malaria).


वर्चुअल नेशनल ओरल कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट

Oral Cancer is one of the top most killer among the cancer related death in the Indian subcontinent. The main reason for the oral cancer epidemic largely due to life style and habits which includes non-smoking tobacco habit , Smoking and chewing tobacco together and also habit of raw areca nut.

एशियाई हाथी का सामाजिक-परिवेश और व्यवहार

Understanding the relative roles of ecological factors and individual relationships in shaping animal societies has long been a central objective of mammalian behavioural research and is the basis of a lot of research in our lab. Our present understanding of mammalian social organization and behaviour comes largely from the study of primates.