गोलाकार परिरोध के तहत एक कोलाइड-बहुलक मिश्रण में प्रावस्था व्यवहार और गतिशीलता

गोलाकार परिरोध के तहत एक कोलाइड-बहुलक मिश्रण में प्रावस्था व्यवहार और गतिशीलता


From studies via Molecular Dynamics simulations, we report results on structure and dynamics
in mixtures of active colloids and passive polymers that are confined inside a spherical container
with a repulsive boundary. All interactions in the fully passive limit are chosen in such a way that
in equilibrium coexistence between colloid-rich and polymer-rich phases occurs. For most part of
the studies the chosen compositions give rise to Janus-like structure: nearly one side of the sphere
is occupied by the colloids and the rest by the polymers. This partially wet situation mimics
approximately a neutral wall in the fully passive scenario. Following the introduction of a velocity-
aligning activity to the colloids, the shape of the polymer-rich domain changes to that of an ellipsoid,
around the long axis of which the colloid-rich domain attains a macroscopic angular momentum.
In the steady state, the orientation of this axis evolves via diffusion, magnitude of which depends
upon the strength of activity, but only weakly.

Link: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2023/sm/d3sm00362k