Currently, Circularly Polarized Luminescent (CPL) materials have aroused extensive attention in optoelectronic worlds due to their numerous potential applications. However, the significant advancement of CPL materials lies based on lanthanides-based complexes. But due to some disadvantages of lanthanides-complexes in terms of CPL efficiency, nowadays, more efforts have been devoted to the design of chiral organic molecules for their high quantum yield, easy structural modification, tunable emission wavelength, and so on. In this context, the “supramolecular self-assembly” approach offers a new direction towards developing CPL-active materials. In addition to that, one of the basic parameters for quantifying the CPL efficiency, i.e. dissymmetry factor, can be further boosted by employing novel strategies like sequential energy transfer, symmetry breaking, sergeants and soldiers principle, and majority rules. Recently, we have started to explore this aspect from a supramolecular self-assembly point of view.