Rudhira/BCAS3 is essential for mouse development and cardiovascular patterning - Scientific Reports, 2018
Rudhira/BCAS3 is essential for mouse development and cardiovascular patterning - Scientific Reports, 2018
Our study identifies an essential role for Rudhira, a cytoskeletal protein in blood vessel remodeling and provides a mouse model for cardiovascular development. Rudhira/Breast Carcinoma Amplified Sequence 3 (BCAS3) is a cytoskeletal protein that promotes directional cell migration and angiogenesis in vitro and is implicated in human carcinomas and coronary artery disease. To study the role of Rudhira during development in vivo, we generated the first knockout mouse for rudhira and show that Rudhira is essential for mouse development. Rudhira null embryos die at embryonic day (E) 9.5 accompanied by severe vascular patterning defects in embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.