सेमीकंडक्टर नैनोक्रिस्ट, नैनोप्लाज़्मोनिक्स और उनका हेटरोस्ट्रक्चर
सेमीकंडक्टर नैनोक्रिस्ट, नैनोप्लाज़्मोनिक्स और उनका हेटरोस्ट्रक्चर
Our group is interested in the syntheses and study of electronic and optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals and nanoscale assemblies of these particles. The interest in these quantum confined systems stem from the fact that these tiny fragments exhibit a wide range of properties that can be tuned by changing the size of the particles. For example, the emission properties can be tuned over the entire visible region. In certain cases, these tiny fragments are also known to show properties that are not observed in bulk materials.The ability to precisely control the composition, size and shape of the nanocrystals provides great flexibility in engineering their electronic and optical properties. Tunable dimensions and shapes of the individual particles as well as the ease of manipulating them into a complex interacting structure make colloidal nanocrystals well suited for studies of size- and structure-dependent quantum-mechanical interactions as well as ideal building blocks for nanoscale engineering. Understanding the mechanisms at work in these tiny particles can have very important implications in the areas of photovolatics, displays, biotagging and drug delivery, memory storage and optoelectronic devices. Fundamental research into the synthesis of these nanocrystals by various wet chemical routes, as well as studying and understanding the size dependent electronic, optical and magnetic properties of these materials will constitute the major research activity in this group.