The group focuses on efficient synthesis of inorganic materials exhibiting a wide range of physical properties that make them useful in a variety of applications with a special attention to Fuel Cell, CO2 Reduction and Water Splitting. Utilizing basic concepts of chemistry, we control the structural chemistry of materials to enhance their catalytic performance towards a selected reaction. His innovative strategies include Alloying (JMCA, 2017), Inverse Strain Effect (ACS Energy Lett. 2018), Dealloying (JMCA, 2017), In-situ Generation of Metastable Phase (ACS Energy Lett., 2021), Tuning Lattice Strain (ACS Catal. 2021), Structural Ordering (JACS 2011), Single Atom Design (JMCA, 2021), Deficiency Manipulation (Chem. Mater. 2015) and Dissolution tuned active site protection (JMCA, 2019). To translate the fundamental research to commercial technology, Prof. Peter co-founded a start-up “Breathe Applied Sciences Pvt Ltd in 2016, which successfully scaled-up the conversion of CO2 to Chemicals/Fuels to the pilot level.