Financial Support
- The support will be given only for those proposals that have been officially allotted a beam time for experiment under “Indian Access”. Limited funds are available to support successful proposals from “Direct Access”. Preference will be given to the proposals on “Nanoscience”. However, a maximum of two proposals from the same group would be considered for funding in a year independent of whether it is Indian or Direct access.
- As of now, the support can be given for a maximum of two persons per approved proposal if the allocated beamtime is more than one day. The PI of the proposal can apply for financial support to JNCASR.
For one day beam time, only one person will be supported. - If PI and the student experimenters are traveling together while booking accommodation, the users can request ISIS user office to book taxi for two persons from London airport to the guest house and back.
- If you are travelling alone, take a bus from Heathrow airport to Reading station and train to Didcot (you can get one ticket for this journey). Take a taxi to the guest house at the Harwell campus. Alternatively, one can take a bus from Heathrow airport to Oxford and get down at St. Aldate stop and take a bus or taxi to the Harwell campus.
- Maximum number of days for which DA and Accommodation charge will be paid: One day before experiment + experimental days + 2 days after experiment.
- No funds will be released in advance
- Financial support includes:
- Air ticket-air tickets are to be booked in economy class by the shortest route by Air India (follow standard Govt. of India rule, i.e., Air India flight, ticketing directly from Air India booking counter/Website or Authorized Travel Agents (s))
- Accommodation-Hotel stay at facility or near the facility at actual not exceeding $75/day.
- Per diem DA (as per MEA norms, up to $100 per day minus 10% if breakfast is provided) for number of night stays in hotel at facility or near the facility for experiment.
- Visa fees
- Transit Medical Insurance
- Local conveyance from place of Residence/Office to the Airport and back (place of Origin)
- Local conveyance (return fare) from ISIS to London airport at actual not exceeding $100 (i.e. $50 + $50)
For the reimbursement at JNCASR, submit your filled-up TA/DA claim form with the following documents:
- Brief scientific report describing about experimental out-comes
- Air ticket, Air ticket bill and original boarding passes/
- Original documents showing payment of accommodation charge
- Original receipt for Visa fees and copy of the visa
- Original receipt for the Transit Medical Insurance Premium and policy
- Original receipt for local conveyance from place of Residence/Office to the Airport and back (place of Origin).
- Original receipt for local conveyance (Return Bus/Taxi/Train) fare from synchrotron/Neutron facility to nearest airport of destination.
- Copy of Financial support letter
It is mandatory that the authors acknowledge the DST, India with the following statement in the acknowledgement section of the paper published from experimental data obtained using this funding: Even if you get ONLY travel support from DST Nanomission project (for direct access experiment), you need to acknowledge appropriately. “Authors thank the Department of Science and Technology, India (SR/NM/Z-07/2015) for the access to the experimental facility and financial support to carryout the experiement, and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) for managing the project.”