CoVID 19: Initiatives taken at JNCASR
Applications invited for Short Term Training Course on Laboratory Diagnosis of COVID-19
1. Training Course on Laboratory Diagnosis of COVID-19 COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that leads to severe respiratory illness. The pandemic has resulted in an increasing number of cases, including in India. While the demand for testing is very high, there is a severe shortage of trained persons to carry out these specialized tests.
To help build capacity for the national fight against COVID-19, the CoVid Diagnostic Training Centre is being established at the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India (
The Centre is offering comprehensive training in molecular clinical diagnostics effective immediately. The six days residential Training Course is designed to impart theoretical knowledge and hands-on expertise in required molecular biology techniques and BSL-2 workflow. Training does not require handling of live SARS-CoV-2 virus. Skills mastered during the course will make trainees adept at performing immune and molecular diagnostic assays in a clinical set up.
2. Researchers at JNCASR and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a predictive model for spread of SARS-COV-2, which caused COVID 19. The model gives a state-wise projection for the following few weeks. The model developed by Prof. Santosh Ansumali from JNCASR and Prof. Aloke Kumar from IISc offers a state wise analysis, throwing up several features of the pandemic wave in India. To facilitate the same, a virtual war room has been set up at JNCASR, wherein the data from various sources like hospitals, community health centre etc.,are being collected, analysed, mapped and the resultant output is being shared with the Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor, GoI.

Figure: COVID-19 State-Wise Projections for India, researchers: Prof. Santosh Ansumali, Engineering Mechanics Unit, JNCASR Bengaluru and Prof. Aloke Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IISc Bengaluru
3. Prof Jayanta Haldar of JNCASR has developed a paint coating which is shown to be antimicrobial. While further studies are being carried out, it is considered to be potentially useful to contain the spread of COVID 19 virus. The Centre is in the process of commercialisation of the research output. The product is expected to be immensely beneficial to the society at large.

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