IP Management Cell


IP is the property created by the intellect of human mind. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a general term covering patents, trademark, copyright, industrial design, geographical indications, layout design of integrated circuits, undisclosed information (trade secrets) and new plant varieties. IPR have tremendous economic significance because of their ability to enhance the value and financial returns from technologies, products and services.

The Centre has been one of the foremost research institutes in the country to realize the importance of IPR created by its researchers. The Centre encourages and facilitates the creation, development, protection and management of commercially exploitable IP and its enforcement in addition to fostering Academia-Industry Partnership. The Centre is proud of the number and the kind of patentable inventions/technologies being developed and commercialised for which it has received several national and international recognitions.

IP Management Cell was set up in 2004 to assist and guide researchers at the Centre with issues related to Intellectual Property. Dean, Research & Development oversees the activities of the IPM Cell. It helps researchers understand better the process of obtaining IPR for their research findings/results. IPM Cell is a one-stop window for all IPR related issues at the Centre. Over the years IPM Cell has evolved from basic office to a frontline administrative entity. IPM Cell works at the advice of the IP Management Committee [IPMC] and implements the recommendations/decisions of the IPMC and follows the procedural guidelines of the Centre. 

IP Management Committee formulates policies/guidelines/best practices which are consistent with the mission/goals (teaching, training, research and development, dissemination of new knowledge generated, innovations for public benefit, etc.) of the Centre. It meets regularly to address the issues concerned with securing, evaluating, protecting, maintaining, ownership of IP, disclosure of IP, marketing, commercialization and licensing of IP, distribution of revenue/royalty, rights and obligations of inventors.

The Centre has so far filed 309 (India-103, PCT-60, ARIPO-2, Australia-7, Canada-10, China-7, Europe-28, Hong Kong-2, Israel-1, Japan-9, Korea-3, OAPI-2, Singapore-4, South Africa-5, South Korea-3, Brazil-3, USA-59, Vietnam-1) Patent Applications and obtained 105 (India-31, Australia-3, Brazil-1, Canada-1, China-5, Europe-12, Japan-5, Korea-2, OAPI-2, South Africa-4, South Korea-1 and USA-38) patents.

Graphical Representation of Patent Applications Filed and Patents Granted:














The Total Number of IPR Developed as on January 2021

 309      Patent Applications Filed

 105      Patents Granted

 2           Trade Mark Registered

 1           Industrial Design Registered

 1           Copyright Registered

JNCASR - Patent Applications Filed

JNCASR - Patents Granted