Ph.D Programmes

RESEARCH PROGRAMMES [Ph.D. / M.S(Engg.) / M.S(Research)]


Candidates with an M.Sc. or equivalent, B.E/B.Tech/B.S (4 year) or equivalent or M.E/M.Tech or equivalent or B.VSc/M.VSc or MBBS/MD as applicable to Individual Units as given in the table below are eligible to apply.  They should have at least 55% in their highest University examination and should also have qualified in any one of the National exams: GATE/JEST/GPAT/UGC-JRF/CSIR-NET-JRF/ICMR-JRF/DBT-JRF/INSPIRE-JRF. The award certificate/score card of such test should be valid as on 1st August 2025. Candidates applying through INSPIRE mode must possess valid provisional INSPIRE offer issued by the DST for consideration of their application during selection.

It is desirable that  ME/M.Tech or equivalent degree holders  qualify in one of the national exams mentioned above.


Sl No.


Eligible Education qualifications

Qualifying in any one of the national entrance test


Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in Electronics, Chemical/Mathematical/Physical/ Materials Science.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Electrical/Electronics/Metallurgy/Polymer/ Engineering Physics/Nano Technology/Chemical.

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

3. Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Electrical/Electronics/Metallurgy /Polymer/Engineering Physics/Nano Technology/Chemical

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable


Engineering Mechanics Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in Mathematical/Physical Sciences.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Aerospace/ Mechanical /Metallurgy/Polymer/ Engineering Physics /Chemical.

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

3. Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Aerospace/Mechanical/Metallurgy/Polymer/Engineering Physics/Chemical/Atmospheric Science.

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable


Evolutionary and Organismal Biology Unit

1.Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in  Life Sciences / any area of Biological Sciences / Mathematics  /Physics.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, or any Biology related area.

3. MBBS /M.D.

4. B.VSc / M.VSc

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Biotechnology, Biological Engineering, or any Biology related area.

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable


Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Chemical/ Biological/Life Sciences.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, or any Biology related area.

3. MBBS /M.D.

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, or any Biology related area.

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable


New Chemistry Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Chemistry/Physics.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science (preferred with Chemistry as a major subject)

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*


Neuroscience Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biological/Life Sciences/Pharmacy.

2. 4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, or any Biology related area/Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology ( electrical or computer science branches)

3. MBBS /M.D.

4. Master’s/4-year Bachelor’s Degree in non-Biology area with demonstrated interest in Neuroscience can also apply

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, or any Biology related area.

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable


Theoretical Sciences Unit

1. Master’s Degree in Science or equivalent in Electronics, Chemical/Mathematical/Physical/Materials Sciences.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/4-year Bachelor of Science or equivalent in Aerospace/ Engineering Physics/ Electrical/ Electronics /Metallurgy /Chemical/Mechanical Sciences.

Valid GATE /JEST score / NET- JRF*

3. Master’s Degree in Engineering/Technology or equivalent in Aerospace/EngineeringPhysics/Electrical/Electronics/Metallurgy/Chemical/Mechanical Sciences.

Qualifying in one of the national exams mentioned above is desirable



1. The GATE/JEST/GPAT/NET JRF/other National entrance test passing certificate/score card should be valid as on 01 August 2025.

2. *NET JRF includes –Joint CSIR-UGC NET for JRF; UGC-NET for JRF; DBT JRF; ICMR JRF; INSPIRE. Applicants must be qualified for Junior Research fellowship (JRF) to be eligible to apply through NET JRF mode.

3. Applicants applying through INSPIRE mode must be in possession of a valid provisional INSPIRE offer for consideration of their application at level II of the selection, issued by DST at the time of interview.


Selection procedure

Candidates are short-listed for an interview based on their performance in the national exam(s) and academic performance. The selection is based on the performance in the interview (in some Units, an aptitude test/preliminary interview may precede the final interview)

Note: Interviews will be held in-person only.


Ph D students will receive JRF/SRF (as per Govt. norms) of Rs. 37,000/- p.m (first two years) - 42,000 (next three years). 


M S (Research)/ M S (Engg.) students will receive a scholarship of Rs. 37,000/- p.m  for two years.

Medical / Insurance facility: Students are automatically enrolled in a Group Insurance Scheme and a Comprehensive Medical Scheme and have access to an on-campus doctor, as well as to medical facilities elsewhere.

Financial assistance for travel:

Ph.D: Financial assistance upto Rs.1,00,000/- is provided to attend international/national conferences/research collaborations, as per Centre's norms.

MS(Engg.)/MS(Research) :  Financial assistance upto upto Rs.40,000/- is provided to attend international/national conferences, as per Centre's norms.

Our students have attended conferences in countries such as Korea, Iran, France, Singapore, the United States of America, Japan, Sweden, Italy, Israel, etc.

Tuition Fee, etc : Current norms for payment of tuition fees is Rs.10,000/- per annum for Ph.D and Rs.7,000/- for MS(Engg.)/MS(Research). In addition, Rs 200 as medical charges and group insurance fee of Rs. 25 will be charged every month.

Link to degree programme