Nerve-storming: from molecules to behaviour

AMRL Conference Hall

“Nerve-storming: from molecules to behaviour” symposium will be held at JNCASR, Bangalore, India on 8-9 March 2024, at the AMRL auditorium. This event will cover a variety of themes in the field of neuroscience, ranging from neurodevelopment, behaviour, to brain disorders. The symposium will also dwell on diverse model systems (worm, insect, fish, bird, rodent, marsupial, monkey, cell and organoid models), challenges posed, and new techniques available to study neuronal systems in health and disease. A highlight of this meeting is a discussion and Q&A session with an eLife editor, on the nuances of peer review and publication.

The symposium brings a critical amalgamation of eminent scientists and clinicians across the country, encompassing fields of basic, translational, and clinical neurobiology, both in breadth and depth.

Symposium Website:

The symposium announcement flyer and scientific program schedule are attached.

Achira Roy, Sheeba Vasu