Annual Faculty Meeting and In-House Symposium 2022
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) has had a long tradition of celebrating the science carried out in the Centre by organizing an Annual Faculty Meeting (AFM) and In-House Symposium (IHS). The AFM & IHS this year will be held on the 17th & 18th of November 2022. The program comprises of talks by faculty members and students as well as poster teasers and poster presentations by students, postdocs, and R&D assistants.
This year, the International Centre for Materials Science will be organizing the event.
JNC Research Conference on Chemistry of Materials
The JNC Research Conferences on Chemistry of Materials organized annually at Kerala, under the initiative of Professor C N R Rao, FRS are meant to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of frontier research in Chemical Sciences. Particular attention is given for supporting and encouraging young scientists as they establish themselves in their chosen fields. The JNC Research Conferences on Chemistry of Materials are supported by Sheikh Saqr Laboratory (SSL) and organised by the School of Advanced Materials (SAMat), JNCASR and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER- TVM).
Chemical Frontiers
The Chemical Frontiers meeting organised annually at Goa by IIT Bombay and JNCASR, was conceptualized by Professor C N R Rao, FRS to bring young chemistry researchers in India along with some senior established chemists, together, to a scenic location to discuss quality science. The idea took shape and the first of the series of meetings took place during the monsoon of 2009 (August 14-16) at Goa and the meetings have been held in Goa ever since its inception. The participants of the meeting are young Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows, who showcase their research findings in the form of either posters or short oral presentations from several IITs, IISERs, national labs and universities.
The JNCASR- FCBS workshop is conducted annually for school and college chemistry students and teachers. The Foundation for Capacity Building in Science (FCBS) of the CSIR- NIIST organises the workshop in collaboration with JNCASR wherein speakers from premier scientific institutions of the country deliver talks and interact with school and college chemistry students and teachers. The workshop aims to evoke interest and encourage participants to delve deep into the world of Science.