Welcome to CompLab

Network:JNCASR has a high-speed Local Area Network (LAN) which can support up to 10Gbps Intranet connectivity. In the year 2020-2021, efforts have been made to ensure integrated Internet bandwidth of 600 Mbps. Infrastructural upgradations were done to increase the bandwidth to 1 GBPs in the same year. This increased bandwidth should ensure an average bandwidth of 100 Mbps per person in the campus.

Central Storage facility: a centralized storage of 25 TB has been added to better manage data storage requirements in the campus. For critical data, such as email, a De-Duplication mechanism via Veeam software has been installed and a secondary storage has been created to ensure redundancy in the system. A dedicated storage for archived Server backup of 5 TB has been installed for maintaining older servers’ data.

Email: Number of new policies have been implemented to ensure proper functioning of the email facility.

Secured and Enhanced Wi-Fi: High speed Wireless network with 802.11 b/g/n/ac has been successfully installed in Campus. Entire Campus has been

Enhanced Network Management system: The network management system has been set up to ensure security and redundancy of servers and other interconnecting devices like core switch, firewall etc. All critical network components have been put on Active-Active redundancy mode to increase the network performance and provide continuous network connectivity in the campus.

Free Software license for Faculty and Students: We have Free campus license policy where all Faculty and Students will get Mathematica, MATLAB, Intel Parallel Studio and Microsoft Office 365 Licenses which support up to 5 device installation and carry 5 TB Cloud storage.

Secure Printing Facility: Quota based campus printing facility has been installed with LDAP authentication for all JNCASR Staff and students. Campus also has Poster printing unit which support A0 paper size printing in Gloss and matte paper.

SMS notification: Center has signed with CDAC for Pus SMS notification for campus users.


Complab Chair

Dr. Premkumar Senguttuvan

"Our IT team will strive to provide the best facility to all members of JNCASR that will help progress R&D in all aspects of science and administration"

Committe Members

  • Professor Vidhyadhiraja N S

  • Dr. Diwakar S Venkatesan

  • Dr. Kushagra Bansal


“Always have an attitude of gratitude.”

Meet our team

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."

    Web Developer


    Onsite Engineer

  • S Madasamy

    Onsite Engineer
  • Dhanesh S

    Technical Support Engineer
  • Yallappa

    Network Engineer




Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable.


    Microsoft Office 365


    Bio Render


    Corel Draw

    Foxit PDF Reader

    Graphpad Prism




    OriginLab 2022



    Intel Fortran Compiler

    Intel C++ 2013 Compiler

    Mathematica 12

    Bio Render




  • MAC

    Microsoft Office 365

    Bio Render

    Graphpad Prism





Dr. Premkumar Senguttuvan has taken charge as Head-Complab, w.e.f. April 06, 2023

Our Policies

The CompLab, in its endeavor to provide an uninterrupted computational work-flow around the JNCASR campus, has laid down certain policies. These policies are in place, so that issues are taken care of in a non-haphazard and traceable way, thus ensuring smooth functioning of CompLab.

CompLab entertains service requests through its Ticketing Portal only. This link can be accessed from the CompLab homepage.

Service requests, to the extent possible, are solved in queue. Users are requested to wait for certain time before their turn comes.

Urgent issues can be mailed to CompLab (complab@jncasr.ac.in), with a copy (cc) marked to the head of CompLab (head_complab@jncasr.ac.in). You must write one sentence to justify breaking the queue.

It is mandatorily required that emails to CompLab be sent from user's JNCASR email id, unless infact the issue is related to non-functional JNCASR email id.

Support service requests through phone calls are not entertained, because it is hard for us to track/document such issues.

Personal visit to the CompLab to submit support requests is not encouraged, unless requested by CompLab engineers. Entry to the CompLab Server room is restricted and allowed to only authorized users.

CompLab does not support warranty services for peripheral hardware. Please contact the corresponding vendor for the same.

CompLab do not support personal worstation/laptop. Only office systems/workstations come under their supervision.

JNCASR licensed software is installed only on systems used to official purposes. Please do not insist on getting it installed in your personal system.

CompLab never supports/recommends/installs pirated/unlicensed/trial version software. CompLab can not be held responsible for any issues arising out of pirated/unlicensed software on user systems. You are advised to use Open Source software.

CompLab has taken measures to block many websites/sources providing access to download pirated software, ebooks etc. Request raised to allow access to these resources are not entertained or replied back mentioning the same.

Please "do not" disclose your passwords/credentials to anyone. CompLab can not be held responsible for any misuse of user credentials. You are requested to change your password periodically.

You are asked to refrain from using indecent, provocative, threatening or abusive language in your correspondence. All such issues are taken very seriously and marked for disciplinary action according to the “Communications Decency Act” and rules of the institute.

Please download the Computer Ethics pdf

By Order
Head, Computer Lab

Contact with us


Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
Jakkur, Bangalore-64


Phone Number: 080-2208 2779 / 2780



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