Fire Organization Chart
Organizational chart for safety
Safety Security
Medical Asst
Trained Security Guards (First Responders)
- The purpose of setting up the hierarchical organizational chart is to define the key role and responsibilities of each in case of any emergency/Disaster
- Control Command and coordination play key role in management of emergency and restoration of Normalcy
An emergency is an event or a set of events occurring at an Institution/organization that may affect adversely organization/Institution within it or may cause serious injuries, loss of life, extensive damage to property or serious disruption inside/ outside the organization, If not brought under control. In an emergency, the first few moments are vital and as soon as the event/emergency is reported, the entire machinery designated to tackle should swing into action and control it.
Emergency Management is the organization and management of the resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies (preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery). The aim is to reduce the harmful effects of any or all hazards, including disasters.
Security Department: The security personnel duty posts are well spread out around the Centre, and they work 24X 7, hence they are the first responders to notice/report and act in case of any Fire/Disaster at JNCASR. They are major player in any emergency /disaster management given its proximity to the incident site/location and relationship with the people
- A location preferably at security office we should Establish well equipped central control room
- The emergency plan/ SOP /Guidelines on how to handle crisis/ emergency
- The control room should have good data base
- List of emergency numbers (Police/fire/hospitals/ ambulance etc..) should be made available
- The building lay out, list/data of occupant in each lab/room should be available at Control room with contact details
- A set of fire drills & evacuation procedures should be periodically worked and practiced facilitating an orderly reaction and evacuation
- A set of tools required to cut open the room, power resistant rubber gloves, gum boots, Torches/search lights, gas canisters, safety belts, safety goggles, helmets fire resistant suit and such other useful safety gears should be kept in security office/security kiosk for use in case of emergency
- Every security personnel should be imparted Training in principles of First aid, medical emergency & CPR Training in basic firefighting and operation of fire safety systems (Hydrants/Fire alarm etc… Training in Lift/elevators operation Handling of communication equipment (wireless/ Telephone
Emergency plan
The Department to plan emergency plan. This plan includes:
- the action to be taken by staff in the event of fire
- the evacuation procedure
- the arrangements for calling the fire brigade/force
- the location of assembly points
The plan is posted in prominent positions where staff can become familiar with it. More detailed plans are available in areas identified as being at higher risk from fire.
Standard Operating Protocol
Raising the alarm
- On noticing any type of fire, raise the alarm by shouting FIRE! (to alert everyone/ anyone in the immediate vicinity) and then activate the nearest push-glass fire alarm call-point (small red box, close to major exits).
- If safe to do so, use an appropriate fire extinguisher to tackle the fire, but only if your exit is clear.
- Leave the building by the nearest exit.
- Call the security & Fire Service at Centre 2799/2800 and state location/ Report location of fire (room number) to the Security /Safety Coordinator /Fire Marshal at your department
- If the site/department/lab requires evacuation for any other reason (e.g. bomb threat), the Chair of the dept/lab /Security or Safety coordinator will authorize the activation of the alarm via a fire panel and evacuate .
Evacuation procedure
- On hearing a continuous siren/hooter sound , leave the building/Hostel block immediately by the nearest exit. Escort any visitors/contractors from the building.
- If an intermittent alarm is heard, there is a fire alert that requires investigation. Be prepared to leave if this becomes a continuous siren
- .Report to the appropriate Assembly Point.
- Report missing persons or those in difficulty to the Security/ Safety Coordinator or assembly point Fire Marshal for relaying to the Fire and Rescue Service on arrival.