Research Associates

Anjali Gaur

I did B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Central University of Rajasthan. I joined the Integrated Ph. D. program in Materials Science in the CPMU Unit. I submitted my Ph. D. thesis in February 2024. It is devoted to studies of liquid ethylene glycol using a variety of advanced computational techniques such as ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, development of accurate interatomic potentials as well as machine learned potentials.

Avula Venkata Siva Nikhil

I work on molecular level modelling of ionic liquids and related materials. Specifically, I develop methods to improve the accuracy of existing models to quantitatively predict the transport properties. I enjoy developing efficient and parallel codes to run on both CPUs and GPUs. I graduated from the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department of IIT Madras with a B.Tech (Hons.) and M.Tech degree. Before I entered the field of molecular simulations, I was developing underwater and terrestrial semi-autonomous robots at IITM's Center For Innovation. I received my Ph.D. degree in early 2024 working on room temperature ionic liquids,  and electrolytes. My current interests are on machine learning potentials. I am currently a Post-Doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. Balasubramanian Sundaram, CPMU

Dr. Shivanand Kumar Veesam

I did my PhD from the Chemical Engineering Department of IISc, Bangalore and I completed my B. Tech. in Chemical Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Currently, I work on developing Machine Learning based models to predict transport properties of various liquids. I also work on developing force fields of systems including Lithium Borates, Lithium borate silicates, Sodium Borate silicates, etc