Under warm ambient conditions, Drosophila melanogaster suppresses nighttime activity via the neuropeptide pigment dispersing factor
Under warm ambient conditions, Drosophila melanogaster suppresses nighttime activity via the neuropeptide pigment dispersing factor
The ventrolateral neurons (LNvs) of the fly circadian clock (above) secrete a neuropeptide called Pigment Dispersing Factor, that modulates rhythmic locomotion under standard lab conditions at 25°C (below, dotted trace, control). Under relatively warm conditions such as 30°C, flies shift their activity into the night (bold trace, control), advancing their morning activity bout into early morning (arrow) and suppressing activity during night. Using mutants and other genetic manipulations we show that PDF, its receptor (PDFR) and the LNvs are necessary for suppression of nocturnal locomotion under warm days. This behavioural strategy may enable flies to respond appropriately to warm temperatures in nature.