Hall Booking and Poster Board Information


Guidelines And Office Memorandum

All Faculty members and Unit Secretaries will have privileges to book Common Halls and their respective Unit Meeting / Classroom spaces Directly and Officers will have privileges to book New council room.

Other members, Contact Hall Admins/Unit Chairs by Mail to book the venue.

New Auditorium and AMRL Conference Dining Hall can be booked by Faculties/Unit Secretaries/other members by sending a mail to ao@jncasr.ac.in


Book Now


Common Halls In-charges/Hall Admins

Book Now

In-charge/Hall Admin
AMRL Conf. hall Mr. Sreenath V 2208 2848 srinath@jncasr.ac.in
Kanada Hall Dr. Paneer Selvam 2208 2778 pselvam@jncasr.ac.in
New council Room Mrs. Chitra 2208 2943 aao@jncasr.ac.in
Lecture hall Dr. Nabonita Guha 2208 2930 srlio@jncasr.ac.in
Sumvada President Office 2208 2936 president_office@jncasr.ac.in
Seminar hall 1 Dr. Princy Pereira 2208 2900 acoord@jncasr.ac.in
Seminar hall 1 Dr. Princy Pereira 2208 2900 acoord@jncasr.ac.in
Seminar hall 1 Dr. Princy Pereira 2208 2900 acoord@jncasr.ac.in
Seminar hall 1 Dr. Princy Pereira 2208 2900 acoord@jncasr.ac.in
New Auditorium Mr. Srinivas S 2208 2911 srinivas@jncasr.ac.in


Poster Boards Information


Number of Poster Boards available
1 CCMS / SSL Building Ground Floor: 27 First Floor: 5
2 AMRL Foyer (near AMRL conf. hall) 19
3 Library to Purchase section 16
4 Purchase section to EOBU 28
5 NSU Building 3
Poster Board Guideline


  1. To use the Poster boards, please mail a request to srinath@jncasr.ac.in with details.
  2. Each Poster board requires 6 binder clips (1 inch size)
  3. Users (organisers of the event) should indent the required number of clips from Stores and Purchase Office.
  4. Poster boards should be handled with care.
  5. Do not try pulling down / open the board using the bar at the bottom. Use the strings on the side.
  6. The Poster board numbers are available with the tech team of AMRL Conf Hall. They will install when requested.
  7. Poster boards and clips are to be removed immediately after the event. Tech team is not responsible for the loss of posters / clips.
  8. Do not paste any kind of glue tapes on the poster boards.
  9. Make sure the posters are printed to the size mentioned.