
Alumni Name Programme Research Supervisor(s) Degree Awarded Year Thesis Title
Adharsh S M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R Dynamics of Turbulent Viscoelastic Jets and Settling Discs in Stratified Medium
Aghor Pratik Prashant M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Pattern Formation and Anomalous Modes in Axisymmetric Compressible Taylor-Couette Flow
Akanksha Bohra M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali Fractional Flow Reserve and the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Akshay Chandran M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali Micro-Meso Coupling for Hydrodynamic Simulations
Albin Prince John M.S. (Engg.) Diwakar Seyyanur Venkatesan, Diwakar Seyyanur Venkatesan Synchronized PIV-PLIF Experiments on Mixing in Confined Space by a Decelerating, Turbulent, Buoyant Jet
Antina Ghosh M.S. (Engg.) Srikanth Sastry, Srikanth Sastry Simulation of Nanoscale Flows by Molecular Dynamics Method
Anubhab Roy Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian Singular eigenfunctions in hydrodynamic stability: the roles of rotation, stratification and elasticity
Arun Kumar Varanasi Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian Fluid Drift and Spheroid Rotation in Viscous Density Stratified Fluids
Ashish Malik M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam Density Waves and Fluctuations in Three-Dimensional Granular Poiseuille Flow
B.R. Rakshith Ph.D. Novel Wing Designs for Tractor-Propeller Aircraft: Theory, CFD and Wind Tunnel Test Results
Binaya Kumar Dhar M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Unsteady Aerodynamics of Flapping Flight
Bishakhdatta Gayen M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam Velocity Fluctuation, Correlation and Rheology in Frictional Granular Shear Flow
Deepak Krishnamurthy M.S. (Engg.) Ganesh Subramanian Heat Transfer from Drops in Shearing Flows and Collective Motion in Micro-scale Swimmer Suspensions
Deepthi S M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Dynamics of Granular Poiseuille Flow
Devranjan Samanta M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R Experimental and Numerical Study of Parametric Dependence of Lift in Flapping Flight
Dhake Milind Prakash M.S. (Engg.) Adjoint based Compressible Euler Shape Optimization Code for Propeller-driven Aircraft
Dhiraj Kumar Sigh Ph.D. Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R The Impact of Aerosols and Land Surface Properties on the Lifted Temperature Minimum in the Nocturnal Atomospheric Boundary Layer - Field and Laboratory Experiments
Dinesh Kumar M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Numerical Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Salt-Diapirs
Gayathri S Ph.D. Global Stability Analysis of Non-Parallel Flows
Harish N Dixit Ph.D. Some Studies on Vortices with Density Stratification
Jumpal Shashikiran Reddy M.S. (Engg.) Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian The Spectrum of the Elastic Rayleigh Equation
Kanwar Nain Singh M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Development of LIF based Tomography Technique for Studying Turbulent Shear Flows
Kaushik Srinivasan M.S. (Engg.) Direct numerical simulation of transition in unstably stratified Poiseuille flow
Kirti Chandra Sahu Ph.D. Novel stability problems in pipe flows
Kirti Chandra Sahu M.S. (Engg.) Numerical Computation of Spatially Developing Flows by Full-Multigrid Technique
Konduri Aditya M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R Direct Numerical Simulation of Starting-Plume Cloud-Flows
Kopal Arora M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Investigation of the Possible Relation Between Precipitation and Cosmic Ray Flux Using Wavelet Analysis
Lakshmi-narayana Reddy M.H. Ph.D. Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Plane Shock Waves in Granular Gases and Regularized Moment Equations
Mahan Raj Banerjee Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian, Santosh Ansumali The Flow Topology around Anisotropic Particles in Planar Shearing Flows and Discretization of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Manikandan M S M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Effects of Ambient Viscosity on the Entrainment and Dynamics of a Buoyant Jet
Manjusha Namburi N L D B Ph.D. Santosh Ansumali Crystallographic Lattice Boltzmann Method
Mohammad Atif Ph.D. Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Essentially Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Model
Mohammad Rafiuddin Ph.D. Sreenivas K R Study of Thermal Structure and Fog Episodes in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer: Numerical Simulations and Satellite Observations
Mohammed Istafaul Haque Ansari Ph.D. Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Experimental Study of Vertically Vibrated Granular Matter: Patterns and Segregation
Mohammed Istafaul Haque Ansari M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Experiments on Vibrated Granular Materials: Waves, Convection and Segregation
Mr Achal Mahajan M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Two Problems on Driven Granular Matter: Poiseuille and Taylor-Coutte Flows
Mr Nakul Pande M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R Experiments on Flapping Flight under Hovering Condition’
Mr Navaneeth K M Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian ‘The Orientation Dynamics of Anisotropic Particles in Shearing Flows’
Mr Ronak Gupta M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam DSMC Simulations of Rarefied Granular Gases: Hydro-dynamics, Rheology and Segregation
Mukund Vasudevan Ph.D. Sreenivas K R Field Observations and Laboratory simulations of the Lifted Temperature Minimum
N. Vinod Ph.D. Stability and Transition in Boundary Layers: Effect of Transverse Curvature and Pressure Gradient
Nishant Soni M.S. (Engg.) Diwakar Seyyanur Venkatesan, Santosh Ansumali Enhancing CFL Barrier for Transient Systems
Pinaki Bhattacharya M.S. (Engg.) A linear stability analysis of the spatially-developing incompressible plane laminar mixing layer using minimal composite theory
Piyush Garg Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian Complex Flows of Complex Fluids-Linear Instability of Dilute Polymer Solutions and Stochastic Dynamics of Run-and-Tumble Particles and Bacterial Suspensions
Ponnulakshmi VK Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian The Role of Radiation in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer: the Origin of the Lifted Temperature Minimum
Prasanth P M.S. (Engg.) Direct Numerical Simulation of Transient Cumulus Cloud Flow
Prashanth Ramesh M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Experimental Studies on Taylor-couette Flow of Neutrally-buoyant Suspensions
Prateek Anand Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian Motion of Anisotropic Particles In: Sedimentation, Uni - Directional Shear Flows and Turbulence
Priyanka Shukla Ph.D. Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Nonlinear Stability, Bifurcation and Mode Interaction in Granular Plane Couette Flow
Pulkit Kumar Dubey M.S. (Engg.) Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian Instabilities of Rotating Liquid Columns and Orientation Dynamics of Spheroids in Shearing Flows
Punit Tiwari M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Laboratory Simulation of Lifted Temperature Minimum
Rahul Bale M.S. (Engg.) Algebraic Instability and TransientGrowth in Stratified Shear Flows
Rajapandian A M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R On stratified jets and wakes generated by a self-propelled body
Rajaram Lakkaraju M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Studies on buoyancy-induced open flows: plane thermal plume
Rajesh Ranjan Ph.D. Compressible DNS Studies of the Boundary lLyer on a Low pressure turbine blade at high incidence
Rama Krishna Rongali Ph.D. Meheboob Alam Rarefied Granular Gases: Correlations, Asymptotic Expansion and Hydrodynamics
Rashmi Ramaadugu M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Lattice Differential Operators for Computational Physics
Ratul Das Gupta Ph.D. A Computational and Semi-Analytical Study of Laminar Standing Hydraulic Jumps
Ritwik Das M.S. (Engg.) Diwakar Seyyanur Venkatesan A Novel Mini Pressure Swing Adsorption Plant for Oxygen Concentration
Rohith V.S M.S. (Engg.) Merger of Multiple Vortices
Sabarish V N M.S. (Engg.) Ganesh Subramanian Convective Transport from Drops in Complex Shearing Flows
Saikat Saha Ph.D. Meheboob Alam Nonlinear Hydrodynamics and Rheology of Granular and Gas-Solid Suspensions
Saikishan Suryanarayanan Ph.D. Insights into Turbulent Free-shear-layer Dynamics from Vortex-gas Computations and Statistical Mechanics
Saji Varghese Ph.D. Band Model Computution of Near-surface Longwave Fluxes
Samarth Agrawal M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Random Number Generators à la Boltzmann
Sankalp Nambiar Ph.D. Ganesh Subramanian, Ganesh Subramanian Swimmer Suspensions : Fluctuations, Microstructure and Rheology
Saumyakanta Mishra M.S. (Engg.) Diwakar Seyyanur Venkatesan A Diffuse - Interface Analysis of Two - Phase Thermo - Convective Instabilities
Shashank H.J. Ph.D. Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R The Effect of Polymer Solutions on Reverse Flow in a Pipe & Vortex Rings
Shashank R. M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam DSMC and Fast Spectral Solutions of Poiseuille Flows: Rarefied Molecular and Granular Gases
Shiwani Singh Ph.D. Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Lattice Fokker Planck Method for Complex Fluids
Shreyas J V M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Flapping-wing Flight
Sorathiya Shahajhan Hassanali M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Higher Order Lattice Boltzmann for Thermo-Hydrodynamics
Srikanth T M.S. (Engg.) Vortex Shedding Patterns, their Competition, and Chaos in Flow Past Inline Oscillating Rectangular Cylinders
Subarna Bhattacharyya Ph.D. "A wavelet analysis of possible connections between solar processes, Indian monsoon rainfall and ENSO indices"
Sumesh P.T Ph.D. Statics and Dynamics of Drops on Solid Surfaces: Theory and Simulations
Sunil V Bharadwaj Ph.D. Meheboob Alam Experimental Studies in Buoyancy-driven Exchange Flows and Turbulent Jet
Swastik Hegde M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R, Sreenivas K R Vortex Ring Evolution and Wall Interaction in Polymer Solutions
Tanumoy Dhar M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Patterns and Transport in Axisymmetric Compressible Taylor-couette Flow via Direct Numerical Simulations
Thantanapally Chakradhar M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Saturation of Vorticity Growth in Fully-developed Fluid Turbulence
Ujjayan Paul Ph.D. A Two-dimensional Vortex Sheet Model for a Temporal Free Shear Layer: Integrating Beyond the Moore Singularity by the Technique of Viscosity Switch Smoothing
Vicky Kumar Verma M.S. (Engg.) Santosh Ansumali , Santosh Ansumali Multi-particle Collision Dynamics for Microflows
Vijayakumar K Chikkadi M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam Particle Dynamics simulation of gravity driven granular poiseuille flow
Vinay Kumar Gupta M.S. (Engg.) Meheboob Alam, Meheboob Alam Kinetic Theory and Burnett Order Constitutive Relations for a Smooth Granular Gas
Vivek N. Prakash M.S. (Engg.) Sreenivas K R An Experimental Study of Mantle Convection
Vivekanad Dabade M.S. (Engg.) Ganesh Subramanian Orientation Dynamics of Anisotropic Particles in Viscoelastic Fluids
Vybhav G R Ph.D. Sreenivas K R Off-Source Heated Steady Plumes and Thermals: Experiments and Direct Numerical Studies