
Title Type Description Documents
Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant- CPMU/EMR/44/24-25-Project Assistant Other
Adv EMR 44.pdf (402.89 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate -TSU/KJ/RA/01/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for a temporary position of Research Associate to work under Prof.

Advt-TSU-KJ-RA-01.pdf (318.56 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB)
Field Assistant R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary positio

Application proforma_0.pdf (583.26 KB) , EMR Funds-advt etc_JRF_2024_0.pdf (501.15 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Scientist 1: NCU-Center-127 Other

Opening for the position of Project Scientist-I to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-127_3.pdf (139.18 KB) , Application proforma_11.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate - TSU/NSV/RA/C/05/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof.

Advertisement.pdf (390.17 KB) , Application proforma-1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate and R & D Assistant: NCU-EMR-129 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of R and D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-129.pdf (564.41 KB) , Application proforma_10.pdf (238.35 KB)
Guest Instructor Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for engagement as Guest Instructor, purely on contractual basis.

Advertisement for the position of a Guest Instructors-2024.pdf (288.79 KB)
Advertisement for the position of RA ( Proviosional) CPMU/INST/44/24-25 Other

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate(Provisional) to work under the guidance of Prof.Balasubramanian S. CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560 064

CPMU INST 44- RA Provisional.pdf (375.18 KB) , Application proforma_9.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant CPMU/EMR/43/24-25 R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the position of R&D Assistant to work under the principal investigator Prof. Tapas K Maji, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560064

CPMU EMR 43- R&D Assistant.pdf (564.62 KB) , Application proforma_8.pdf (583.93 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Technical Assistant: Advt No: NCU-EMR-126 Other

List of shortlisted candidates for the position of Technical Assistant for NMR instrument.

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-126.pdf (66.01 KB)