
Title Type Description Documents
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate -TSU/SKD/RA/C/01/25-26

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the
guidance of Prof. Subir K Das, Theoretical Sciences Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560 064.

Advertisement (1).pdf (1.28 MB)
Research Associate Research Associate


NCU-EMR-139.pdf (292.84 KB) , Application proforma_5.pdf (583.93 KB)
Section Officer Other

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for a temporary position of Section Officer on contractual basis.

Section Officer 2025.pdf (894.67 KB)
Advertisement Cancellation Notice Administrative Staff

Notice regarding cancellation of advertisement published in respect of Personal Assistant vide advt.No.JNC/AO/05/2024 dated 31.08.2024

Notice.pdf (504.02 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate -TSU/SKD/RA/C/01/25-26 Research Associate

Advertisement for temporary position of Res

Application proforma_4.pdf (583.93 KB) , Advertisement.pdf (166.83 KB)
Declaration of Result - Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

Declaration of Result of selected candidate for the position of Technical Assistant against Advertisement No.JNC/AO/05/2024 dated 31.08.2024. 

Result.pdf (494.85 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate CPMU/INST/46/25-26 Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the supervision of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore.

CPMU INST 46 25-26 REsearch Associate.pdf (369.56 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (583.93 KB)
Office Superintendent Other

Applications are invited for the position of Office Superintendent purely on Contractual basis

Advertisement for position of Office Superitendent.pdf (223.39 KB)
RND Assistant R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary positio

institutional Funds_RnD.pdf (502.6 KB) , Application proforma-1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Project Research Scientist-I Research Associate


NCU-EMR-138.pdf (290.24 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (583.93 KB)
Junior Research Fellow R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow sanctioned in the SERB sponsored project

NCU-Centre-137_0.pdf (293.89 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Junior Research Fellow R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow sanctioned in the SERB sponsored project

NCU-Centre-137.pdf (293.89 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (583.93 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

NCU-Centre-136.pdf (278.45 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB)
Junior Research Fellow R&D Staff

One position of Junior Research Fellow for qualified candidates  with a Post Graduate Degree OR Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in Professional Cours

EMR Funds-advt etc_JRF_2025.pdf (502.08 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.26 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate sanctioned in the I-HUB Quantum Technology Foundation sponsored project titled “Topological Quantum Materials f

NCU-EMR-135.pdf (532.72 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (583.93 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance

NCU_Centre_134.pdf (405.59 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate / R&D Assistant CPMU/INST/45/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for tempo

Centre funded RA.pdf (209.78 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (583.93 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Site Engineers & Electrical Supervisor (On Contract) Other

List of shortlisted candidates for Interview for the contractual position of Site Engineers and Electrical Supervisor

For Website-Shortlisted candidates - SE & ES.pdf (205.92 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate sanctioned in the sponsored project titled “

NCU-EMR-133.pdf (278.77 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Project Scientist-I / Technical Assistant Trainee Other

Applications are invited for temporary position of Project Scientist-I / Technical Assistant Trainee to operate the Single Crystal

NCU-Centre-132.pdf (193 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (583.93 KB)
Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of

NCU-EMR-131.pdf (770.48 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (583.93 KB)
Office Executive Other

Applications are invited for the position of Office Executive (outsourced)

TSU - Office Executive.pdf (700.83 KB)
Applications are invited for a temporary position of R & D Assistant to work under Prof. Rajesh Ganapathy, ICMS R&D Staff

R & D Assistant under Prof. Rajesh Ganapathy.pdf (2.14 MB) , Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for temporary position of Project Assistant at ICMS under Prof. Bivas Saha R&D Staff

Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB) , Advertisement copy.pdf (2.06 MB)
Junior Research Fellow R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow in the sponsored

NCU-EMR-130.pdf (235.01 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB)
Site Engineer Other

Applications are invited for the position of Site Engineer purely on contract basis

Advt. - Site Engineer_2024.pdf (235.42 KB)
Electrical Supervisor Other

Applications are invited from retired Officers for engagement as Electrical Supervisor purely on contract basis

Advt. - Elec. Supervisor (2024).pdf (306.86 KB)
Research Associate (P) Research Associate

Must have submitted thesis for Phd in engineering/physics.

Advt. RA(P) EMU 015.pdf (1.8 MB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Essential Education Qualification

Advt.RA EMU 013.pdf (1.7 MB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant- CPMU/EMR/44/24-25-Project Assistant Other
Adv EMR 44.pdf (402.89 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate -TSU/KJ/RA/01/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for a temporary position of Research Associate to work under Prof.

Advt-TSU-KJ-RA-01.pdf (318.56 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB)
Field Assistant R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary positio

Application proforma_0.pdf (583.26 KB) , EMR Funds-advt etc_JRF_2024_0.pdf (501.15 KB)
Technical Assistant and Personal Assistant Administrative Staff

Applications are invited for the positions of

Advertisement_0.pdf (740.72 KB) , Application Form_1.pdf (275.07 KB) , Bank Account Details.pdf (202.45 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Scientist 1: NCU-Center-127 Other

Opening for the position of Project Scientist-I to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-127_3.pdf (139.18 KB) , Application proforma_11.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate - TSU/NSV/RA/C/05/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof.

Advertisement.pdf (390.17 KB) , Application proforma-1.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate and R & D Assistant: NCU-EMR-129 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of R and D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-129.pdf (564.41 KB) , Application proforma_10.pdf (238.35 KB)
Guest Instructor Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for engagement as Guest Instructor, purely on contractual basis.

Advertisement for the position of a Guest Instructors-2024.pdf (288.79 KB)
Advertisement for the position of RA ( Proviosional) CPMU/INST/44/24-25 Other

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate(Provisional) to work under the guidance of Prof.Balasubramanian S. CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560 064

CPMU INST 44- RA Provisional.pdf (375.18 KB) , Application proforma_9.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant CPMU/EMR/43/24-25 R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the position of R&D Assistant to work under the principal investigator Prof. Tapas K Maji, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560064

CPMU EMR 43- R&D Assistant.pdf (564.62 KB) , Application proforma_8.pdf (583.93 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Technical Assistant: Advt No: NCU-EMR-126 Other

List of shortlisted candidates for the position of Technical Assistant for NMR instrument.

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-126.pdf (66.01 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Office Executive (outsourced) Administrative Staff

The Jawahar

Office Executive.pdf (255.23 KB) , Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Scientist 1: NCU-Center-127 Other

Opening for the position of Project Scientist I to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-127_2.pdf (139.2 KB) , Application proforma_7.pdf (238.35 KB)
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position in Battery Chemistry to work under the guidance of Prof. Sridhar Rajaram, ICMS Research Associate

Research Associate under Prof. Sridhar Rajaram, ICMS.pdf (210.31 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Office Executive (outsourced) Other

Office Executive Advt.pdf (491.71 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-128 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate-III (RA-III) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-128_0.pdf (208.43 KB) , Application proforma_6.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate CPMU/EMR/42/24-25 Research Associate

Applications are invited for a Post Doctoral/Research Associate position to work in the Indo-French Project, “

EMR Funds-advt RA(2).docx (490.46 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant: NCU-EMR-126 Other

Opening for the position of Technical Assistant (TA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit,  JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-126.pdf (212.15 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Scientist 1: NCU-Center-127 Other

Opening for the position of Project Scientist I to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-127_1.pdf (139.2 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant: NCU-EMR-126 Other

Opening for the position of Technical Assistant (TA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-126.pdf (212.15 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Applications are invited for a temporary position of Technical Assistant to work in ICMS Other


Technical Assistant - ICMS.pdf (165.63 KB) , Application Form_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Coordinator (PR) & Coordinator (Security, Legal and Campus Management) Other

Applications are invited from retired Officers for engagement as Coordinator (PR) & Coordinator (Security, Legal and Campus Management) purely on contract basis

Advertisement - Coordinator (PR).pdf (289.99 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Project assistant Other

Applications are invited for temporary positions of Junior Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow/Project assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. G. U. Kulkarni, CPM Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560 064.

Application proforma_1.pdf (583.26 KB) , Institutional Funds-Advt.pdf (201.77 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Reserach Fellow (JRF) under Prof. M Eswaramoorthy, CPMU & ICMS R&D Staff

Applications are invited for tempo

JRF - Advt No.39.pdf (169.85 KB) , Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R & D Assistant under Prof. Ranjan Datta, ICMS R&D Staff

R&D Assistant

Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB) , Advt. No.ICMS-01-2024-25- R & D Asst.pdf (162.97 KB)
Advertisement for the position of JRF CPMU/EMR/38/23-24 Other

Applications are invited for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow to work under the Principal Investigator Prof. A.Sundaresan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560064

EMR-38- JRF.pdf (388.27 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (583.93 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate CPMU/INST/37/23-24 Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof. A. Sundaresan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560064

INST- 37- Research Associate.pdf (385.83 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB)
Office Executive Other

Applications are invited for the Office Executive (outsource

Advt_for Academic Office - 2024.pdf (236.74 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Project Associate I: Advt No: NCU-EMR-125 R&D Staff

Shortlisted candidates

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-125.pdf (69.06 KB)
Coordinator (Special Projects) Other

Applications are invited from retired Officers for engagement as Coordinator (Special Projects) purely on contract basis

Advertisement - Coordinator (2024).pdf (285.26 KB)
R&D Assistant in Neuroscience Unit R&D Staff

R&D Asst Ad Jun 2024.pdf (247.44 KB)
Coordinator (Research & Development and Fellowships & Extension Programmes) Other

Applications are invited from retired Officers for engagement as Coordinator (Research & Development and Fellowships & Extension Programmes) purely on contract

Advertisement.pdf (260.21 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate CPMU/INST/36/23-24 Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru

Application proforma.pdf (583.93 KB) , CPMU INST 36 23-24 RA.pdf (407.68 KB)
Section Officer Other

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for a temporary position of Section Officer on contractual ba

Advt. of Section Officer-2024_0.pdf (287.61 KB) , Addendum.pdf (195.77 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate I: NCU-EMR-125 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Project Associate I to work under the guidance of Prof. Ranjani Viswanatha, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-125.pdf (396.7 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Scientific Administrative Assistant : NCU-EMR-124 Administrative Staff

Opening for the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-124.pdf (164.62 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-123 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-123.pdf (164.46 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-122 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-122.pdf (210.01 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
administrative positions. Other

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following administrative positions to be filled on a contract basis to work under the National Supercomputing Miss

Advt No. 02 - admin posts.docx (61.97 KB)
Technical Posts Other

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following technical positions to be filled on contract basis to work under the National Supercomputing Mission (NS

Advt No. 01 - Technical posts.docx (63.02 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-115 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-115.pdf (167.1 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Declaration of Results (On-the-job skill test) - Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

Declaration of Results of for the on-the-job-skill test for the position of Technical Assistant against Advertisement No.JNC/AO/03/2023 dated 19.05.2023. 

Results of Technical Assistant - On-the-job skill test.pdf (256.99 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-121 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-121.pdf (850.01 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-120 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-120.pdf (910.56 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-119 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-119.pdf (199.95 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate and R & D Assistant: NCU-EMR-118 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Project Associate-1 and R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. K.N. Ganesh, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-118.pdf (778.35 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the post of President Post of President

JNCASR invites applications/nominations, from eminent academicians/researchers with substantial experience and achievements in the areas of physical sciences/chemical sciences/life

Advertisement.pdf (574.52 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-117 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-117.pdf (246.45 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: Advt No: NCU-EMR-115 Other

Shortlisted candidates for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF).

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-115_0.pdf (64.96 KB)
Office Executive Other

Applications are invited for the position of Office Executive (outsourced)

Advertisement -TSU-Office Executive-2024_0.pdf (213.13 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Scientist 1: NCU-Center-116 Other

Opening for the position of Project Scientist 1 to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-116_1.pdf (138.49 KB)
Declaration of Results - Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

Declaration of Results of selected candidates for the position of Technical Assistant against Advertisement No.JNC/AO/03/2023 dated 19.05.2023. 

Results - Technical Assistant.pdf (515.36 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-115 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-115.pdf (204.38 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of R&D Assistant: JNC/MBGU/RNAVB-001 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Dr. Varun Bhaskar, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-560064.

Application proforma_0.docx (447.07 KB) , JNC:MBGU:RNAVB-001.pdf (591.68 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-114 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Bani Kanta Sarma, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-114.pdf (317.92 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant ADV No. CPMU/EMR/33/23-24 R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the temporary position of R&D Assistant to under Prof. Tapas Kumar Maji CPMU Unit, JNCASR Jakkur, Bangalore

CPMU-EMR-33-23-24.pdf (417.52 KB) , Application proforma_0(2)_1.docx (473.48 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/32/23-24- Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to under Prof. Tapas Kumar Maji CPMU Unit, JNCASR Jakkur, Bangalore

CPMU-EMR-32-23-24.pdf (413.25 KB) , Application proforma_0(2)_0.docx (473.48 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate -II ADV No. CPMU/INST/31/23-24 Other

Applications are invited for temporary position Research Associate II to work under the guidance of Prof. Tapas Kumar Maji, CPMU, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore.

CPMu-INST-31-23-24.pdf (425.52 KB) , Application proforma_0(2).docx (473.48 KB)
Coordinator (Insurance Matters) Other

Applications are invited from the well-qualified candidates for engagement as Coordinator (Insurance Matters),

Advertisement - Coordinator (Insurance matters).pdf (1.02 MB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof. G. U.

Ad for RA.pdf (410.1 KB) , Application proforma (3).pdf (583.26 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-113 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-113.pdf (344.36 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-112 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Application proforma_5.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-112_1.pdf (168.64 KB)
Corrigendum to the advertisement of Project Scientist III Other

Advertisement - Project Scientist III.pdf (980.76 KB) , Corrigendum -Project Scientist III.pdf (562.22 KB)
Advertisement for the position of JRF ADV No. CPMU/INST/29/23-24-JRF Other

Applications are invited for temporary position of Junior Research Fellow [JRF] sanctioned in
the sponsored project titled “Ultra-multiplexed disease diagnosis via exchangeable fluorophores

ADV1_EMR Funds-advt_28_2024.pdf (320.03 KB) , Application proforma_0(2).docx (473.48 KB)
Recruitment of Assistant Professor-CPMU Faculty Position
CPMU Advertisement 2024_1.pdf (247.22 KB) , Addendum (CPMU).pdf (251.39 KB)
Recruitment of Assistant Professor-EMU Faculty Position

JNCASR invites applications from Indian scientists for faculty positions- Engineering Mechanics Unit (EMU)

Advertisement for EMU Faculty Recruitment_1.pdf (240.86 KB) , Addendum (EMU).pdf (173.76 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-111 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-111.pdf (384.33 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-110 R&D Staff

Opening for a position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-110.pdf (186.38 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. Srikanth Sastry (Advt. No: TSU/SS/RA/C/04/2023-24) Research Associate

Application proforma_1.pdf (583.26 KB) , TSU_RA_SS_C_04.pdf (467.68 KB)
Deadline Extended: Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-109 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-109.pdf (138.89 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-108 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-108.pdf (225.2 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Site Engineer Other

Applications are invited for the contractual position of Site Engineer

Advertisement - Site Engineer.pdf (751.27 KB)
Declaration of Results Administrative Staff

Declaration of Results against Advertisement No.JNC/AO/Advt.03/2023 dated 19.05.2023 - Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant

Results - JAA and TA.pdf (909.09 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Research Associate: Advt No: NCU-EMR-107 Research Associate

Shortlisted Candidates

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-107.pdf (107.8 KB)
Project Scientist III Other

Applications are invited for engagement as Project Scientist III,

Advertisement - Project Scientist III.pdf (980.76 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-107 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associates (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-107.pdf (658.75 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/INST/27/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of prof. A.Sundaresan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-560 064

CPMU INST 27 23-24.pdf (398.17 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/26/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for a temporary position of Research Associate to work under the Principal Investigator Prof. Tapas K Maji. CPMU Unit. JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru- 560064

CPMU EMR 26 23-24.pdf (550 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/INST/25/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the Principal Investigator Prof. Sarit S Agasti, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur Bengaluru-560064

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/24/23-24-Junior Research Fellow Other

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow to work under the Principal Investigator Prof. Sarit S Agasti, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur Bengaluru-560064

Adv EMR 24- JRF_0.pdf (356.97 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-106 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associates (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-CENTER-106.pdf (186.78 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. N S Vidhyadhiraja (Adv.No: TSU/NSV/RA/C/04/23-24) Research Associate

TSU_NSV_RA_C_04_23-24_17Nov.pdf (255.39 KB) , Application proforma_0.docx (447.07 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. N S Vidhyadhiraja (Adv.No: TSU/NSV/RA/C/03/23-24) Research Associate

TSU_NSV_RA_C_03_23-24_17nov.pdf (220.64 KB) , Application proforma.docx (447.07 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-105 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-105.pdf (235.22 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Recruitment of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

Notification.pdf (511.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-104 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-104.pdf (248.98 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Jr. Stores and Purchase Officer Other

Applications are invited for the contractual position of Jr. Stores and Purchase Officer.

Advertisement - Jr. SPO.pdf (337.21 KB) , Addendum - Jr.SPO_.pdf (493.36 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-92 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. T. Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-92.pdf (520.75 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
JRF and Field Assistant position in EOBU R&D Staff



EMR Funds-advt etc_JRF_EOBU.pdf (477.72 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (583.26 KB)
Research Associate position in EOBU Research Associate


institutional RA-advt,etc_EOBU.pdf (474.12 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (583.26 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: Advt No: NCU-EMR-102 R&D Staff

Shortlisted candidates for the position of JRF

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-102.pdf (64.38 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant: NCU-Centre-103 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Technical Assistant (TA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-103.pdf (139.71 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Jr. Stores and Purchase Officer Other

Applications are invited for the contractual position of Jr. Stores and Purchase Officer.

Advertisement - Jr. SPO_1.pdf (337.21 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Workshop Assistant CPMU/INST/23/23-24 Other

Applications are invited for the temporary position of "Workshop Assistant" to work under the guidance of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-INST-23-23-24.pdf (349.11 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Research Associate: Advt No: NCU-Centre-101 Research Associate

Shortlisted candidates for RA position

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-Centre-101.pdf (65.18 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. Swapan K Pati (Adv.No: TSU/SKP/SERB/02-2023) Research Associate

Applications are

TSU_SKP_SERB_02-2023.pdf (340.23 KB) , Application-format.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-102 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-102.pdf (204.64 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. Umesh V Waghmare (Adv.No: TSU/UVW/RA/JCB/03) Research Associate

Applications are

TSU_UVW_RA_JCB_03.pdf (354.47 KB) , Application proforma_0.docx (447.07 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant: NCU-Centre-100 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Technical Assistant (TA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Subi J. George, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-Centre-100.pdf (444.33 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-101 Research Associate

Opening for the posit

NCU-Centre-101.pdf (221.69 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Recruitment of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

The results of the recently concluded JAA and TA Recruitme

Notification.pdf (516.78 KB)
Temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Dr. Abhishek Kumar, ICMS and NCU Research Associate

Advt.No_.ICMS-03-2023-24 - RA position.pdf (172.62 KB) , Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Temporary position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Dr. Abhishek Kumar, ICMS and NCU R&D Staff

Advt. No.ICMS-04-2023-24.pdf (171.34 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. Umesh V Waghmare (Adv.No: TSU/UVW/C/02/2023) Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary posi

TSU_UVW_RA_C_02_06sept2023.pdf (360.07 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (583.26 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-99 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-99.pdf (231.17 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/21/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under Prof. Sarit S Agasti, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-EMR-21 - Prof SA.pdf (486.99 KB) , Application proforma_5.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/20/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of principal  investigation of Prof. Tapas Kumar Maji, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-EMR-20-2023.pdf (328.87 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF): NCU-EMR-98 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-98_0.pdf (305.81 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-I: NCU-EMR-97 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Project Associate-I to work under the guidance of Prof. Ranjani Viswanatha, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-97_0.pdf (231.19 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Key Answers - JAA and TA Recruitment Examination Administrative Staff

Notification - Key Answer.pdf (510.32 KB) , JNCASR Recruitment of JAA & TA.pdf (436.66 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/19/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under the principal investigation of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore-560064.

CPMU-EMR-19-23-24.pdf (377.74 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Hall ticket-Recruitment of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

The Hall ticket for JAA and TA Recruitment Examination is available for downloading.

Notification-Hallticket_0.pdf (349.31 KB)
Hall ticket - Recruitment of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

The Hall ticket for JAA and TA Recruitment Examination is available for download.

Notification-Hallticket.pdf (349.31 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- NCU-EMR-89 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-EMR-89.pdf (525.63 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Temporary position of Technical Assistant to operate TGA-MS, DSC, Ultra High Digital Microscopy Other
Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB) , Technical Operation position advertisement.pdf (117.75 KB)
A Senior Research Fellow-I (SRF) position available at the Autophagy Laboratory, MBGU R&D Staff

Autophagy Laboratory invites applications for the SRF position to work on a project involving yeast genetics and biochemistry. More information is available in the attached advertisement. The deadline to send applications is 5/08/2023

AD_Exocyst_SERB_RM.pdf (216.9 KB) , Application proforma_0.docx (447.07 KB)
Important Notification for Divyang candidates Administrative Staff

Important Notification for Divyang candidates applied against JNCASR advertisement No.JNC/AO/03/2023 dated 19.05.2023- Recruitment of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant

Notification for Divyang candidates_0.pdf (348.32 KB)
Guest Instructor Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidate

Advertisement - Guest Instructor.pdf (222.88 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-96 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-96.pdf (632.07 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-95 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-95.pdf (188.54 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Office Executive

Resumes are invited for the temporary post of Office Executive.  Last date for receiving resumes has been extended till 9th July, 2023. For more details please find the attached document. 

Advertisment for office executive.pdf (566.23 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-94 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-94.pdf (203.67 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Technical Assistant Trainee Other

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Technical Assistant Trainee to work under the guidance of Prof.

Advertisement Technical asst_0.pdf (363.71 KB) , Application proforma_0_0.docx (447.07 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate under Prof. Swapan K Pati (Adv.No: TSU/SKP/SERB/01-2023) Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate sanctioned in the sponsored project ti

Application-format.pdf (246.73 KB) , TSU_SKP_Advno1.pdf (399.31 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF): NCU-EMR-93 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-93.pdf (242.37 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Project Scientist III Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidate

Advertisement-Project Scientist III_0.pdf (351.61 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-92 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate(RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. T. Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-EMR-92.pdf (397.63 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/18/23-24-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to under Prof. Tapas K Maji, CPMU Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-EMR-18-23-24-Research Associate.pdf (560.58 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (246.73 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: Advt No: NCU-EMR-89 R&D Staff

List of shortlisted candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-89.pdf (64.81 KB) , Signed-NCU-EMR-89_0.pdf (418.38 KB)
Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant Administrative Staff

The link to apply is made live

Application are invited for the positions of Junior Admin Assistant and Technical Assistant


ADVERTISEMENT_0.pdf (352.09 KB) , FAQs_2.pdf (165.8 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Research Associate: Advt No: NCU-EMR-90 Research Associate

Shortlisted Candidates for the Research Associate Position.

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-90_1.pdf (64.79 KB) , NCU-EMR-90_0.pdf (173.28 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-91 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate(RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Kanishka Biswas, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-91.pdf (198.62 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Applications are invited for temporary position of Project Assistant under the Principal Investigator Prof. Sridhar Rajaram R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the temporary pos

ICMS-SR-EMR-01 dated15.05.2023.pdf (185.8 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Deadline Extended till May 17, 2023: Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- NCU-EMR-89 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-EMR-89.pdf (418.38 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant CPMU/INST/16/22-23-R&D Assistant R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the temporary position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU UNit Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-INST-16-22-23-R&D Assistant.pdf (382.67 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-90 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate (RA) to work under the guidance of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-90.pdf (173.28 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- NCU-EMR-89 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-89-UPDATED.pdf (708.11 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)- NCU-EMR-89 Other

Opening for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work under the guidance of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-EMR-89.pdf (719.24 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Office Executive Other

The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) invites applications for Office Executive (Outsourced) position in the Establishment Section.

Office Executive.pdf (606.83 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate-I: NCU-EMR-88 Other

Opening for the position of Project Associate-I to work under the guidance of Prof. Ranjani Viswanatha, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

Signed-NCU-EMR-88.pdf (708.65 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow Advt.No.CPMU/EMR/16/22-23-Junior Research Fellow Other

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Junior Research Fellow to work under Prof. Sundaresan, Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bangalore 560064

CPMU-EMR-16-22-23_0.pdf (439.03 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow Advt.No.CPMU/EMR/16/22-23-Junior Research Fellow Other

Applications are invited for a temporary position of Junior Research fellow to work under Prof. A Sundaresan CPMU Unit JNCASR Jakkur Bangalore.

EMR Funds-advt etc(1) JRF.pdf (197.03 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No. CPMU/EMR/15/22-23-Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the temporary position of Research Associate to work under Professor Sarit S Agasti, CPMU Unit JNCASR, Jakkur.

EMR Funds-advtetc(3) Prof.Sarit Agasti (1).pdf (387.35 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-87 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-87.pdf (241.05 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical/Laboratory Assistant- NCU-EMR-86 Other

Opening for the position of Technical/Laboratory Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-86.pdf (274.73 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-85 Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Resea

NCU-Centre-85_1.pdf (225.33 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Shortlisted candidates list for the Position of Office Executive: TSU-Centre-01

Shortlisted_Candidates-TSU_Office_Executive-TSU-Centre-01.pdf (118.74 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant CPMU/INS/14/22-23 R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the temporary position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. A Sundaresan, Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit, JNCASR, Jakkur Bangalore-560064

CPMU-INST-14 R&D Assistant.pdf (430.21 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
Office Executive Other

Applications are

Advertisement for the position of Office Executive-TSU.pdf (264.08 KB)
Temporary position of Research Associate under Prof. M Eswaramoorthy, CPMU Research Associate
Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB) , RA position under Prof. M Eswaramoorthy_0.pdf (143.43 KB)
Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: Advt No: NCU-EMR-83 R&D Staff

Shortlisted Candidates for the Position of Junior Research Fellow.

Shortlisted Candidates NCU-EMR-83.pdf (63.92 KB) , NCU-EMR-83_0.pdf (204.09 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant CPMU/INS/13/22-23 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. K S Narayan JNCASR, Jakkur, Banglore 560064

R&D Assistant INS-13.pdf (388.18 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-85 Research Associate

Opening for the position of Research Associate to work under the guidance  of Prof. Sebastian C Peter, New Chemistry Unit, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-EMR-85_0.pdf (188.58 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Assistant: NCU-Centre-84 R&D Staff

Opening for the position of Research Assistant to work under the guidance  of Prof. Sebastian C Peter, New Chemistry Unit, Jakkur, Bengaluru-64

NCU-Centre-84_0.pdf (187.18 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Advt-RA-11.pdf (632.81 KB) , Application proforma (1).pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-83 R&D Staff

Position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Premkumar Senguttuvan.

NCU-EMR-83.pdf (204.09 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-82 Research Associate

Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR.

NCU-Centre-82.pdf (185.2 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-80 Research Associate

Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit

NCU-EMR-80.pdf (523.34 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Internship Opportunity

2023 Internship_ Classifier development.pdf (60.54 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No CPMU/EMR/12-22/23 R&D Staff

Applications are invited for the position of R&D Assistant to work under Prof.Tapas K Maji

R&D Asistant Position 12.pdf (342.02 KB) , Application proforma_5.pdf (246.73 KB)
Office Executive Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidate

Advertisement for position of office executive - Academic_0.pdf (272.54 KB)
Temporary Position of Research Associate under Prof. M Eswaramoorthy, ICMS Research Associate


RAK-CAM - Research Associate Advt.pdf (189.37 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Research Associate Position Research Associate

A Post-Doctoral position is open to work on `Taylor-Couette flow' of non-colloidal suspensions. The primary tasks are to carry out flow-visualization and velocity measurements (using Particle image velocimetry, PIV) in a Taylor-Couette device mounted on an Anton-Paar Rheometer.

MA_ResAssociate_institutional Funds-advt-signed.pdf (453.22 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Office Executive: NCU-Centre-79 Administrative Staff

Advertisement for the Position of Office Executive for the New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR

NCU-Centre-79.pdf (247.48 KB)
Internship Opportunity Jan- April 2023 Other

We are looking for students with prior experience using Drosophila populations to engage in experiments to assay rhythms in eclosion of flies selected for early or late timing of emergence. 

Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant: NCU-EMR-78 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the Position of Project Assistant in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju, NCU, JNCASR

Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-78.pdf (721.44 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-77 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju

Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-77.pdf (729.23 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No CPMU/INS/10-22/23 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof.Tapas K Maji, CPMU, JNCASR

CPMUINS10.pdf (354 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No CPMU/INS/09-22/23 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof.Tapas K Maji, CPMU, JNCASR

CPMUINS09.pdf (357 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate ADV No CPMU/EMR/08-22/23 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate to work under the guidance of Prof.Tapas K Maji, CPMU, JNCASR

CPMUEMR08.pdf (569.13 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Mechatronics Lab Support R&D Staff

position of Mechatronics Lab support in the laboratory of Prof. K S Narayan, CPMU, JNCASR

EMR AdV 07.pdf (415.85 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
R & D Assistant. R&D Staff

We are looking for a R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Anuranjan Anand. Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit, JNCASR.

R&D Assistant advertisement.pdf (427.5 KB) , Application proforma.docx (43.82 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate I: NCU-Centre-76 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate I in the lab of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-76_1.pdf (447.22 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-75 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Sarit S. Agasti, New Chemistry Unit

NCU-EMR-75.pdf (202.55 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-74 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-74.pdf (199.63 KB)
Temporary Position of Project Assistant and Research Associate under Prof. Sridhar Rajaram, ICMS R&D Staff

Applications are invited for tempo

ICMS-SR-EMR-01 dated 25.10.2022.pdf (241.95 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-73 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Dr. Premkumar Senguttuvan, New Chemistry Unit

NCU-EMR-73.pdf (203.08 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate I: NCU-EMR-72 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate I in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-72.pdf (192.39 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-71 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-71.pdf (231.47 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Project Engineer Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and s

Advertisement - Project Engineer.pdf (308.01 KB) , ADDENDUM.pdf (49.13 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-69 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar

NCU-EMR-69_0.pdf (154.6 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Section Officer Administrative Staff

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for a temporary position of Section Officer on contractual basis.

Section Officer_0.pdf (781.71 KB) , Addendum_3.pdf (117.13 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate at the lab of Prof. V Nagaraja, Dept. of MCB, IISc, Bengaluru-560012

Advertisement for Research Associate.pdf (487.72 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (163.48 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate I: NCU-EMR-69 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Project Associate I at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter, New Chemistry Unit

NCU-EMR-69.pdf (792.24 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Candidates Ph.D  with at least 3 research papers in Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal.

Desirable  Qualification: Experimental study on Convection  with Phase-change.  Measuring temperature, velocity and humidity. Data Analysis.

Binder1_compressed.pdf (108.69 KB)
Consultant (Accounts and Finance) Administrative Staff

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for the position of “Consultant (Accounts and Finance)” on contract basis

Consultant (Accounts and Finance)_0.pdf (720.76 KB)
Research Associate

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with at least three research papers in Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal.

Deseriable qualifications:  Experimental study on Convection with Phase-change measuring temperature velocity & humidity.  Data Analysis

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the post of R&D research assistant/Research associate to work in the area of Active Matter Systems under confinement under the guidance of Prof. Subir K. Das, Theoretical Sciences Unit, JNCASR.

TSU_SKD_C_RA-03_Advertisement_0.pdf (561.08 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the position of R&D Assistant/Research Associate to work in the area of Active Matter Systems under confinement under the guidance of Prof. Subir K. Das, Theoretical Sciences Unit, JNCASR.

TSU_SKD_C_RA-03_Advertisement.pdf (561.08 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-68 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar.

NCU-EMR-68.pdf (154.53 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Recruitment of Faculty Fellow Faculty Position JNCASR invites applications from Indian scientists for faculty positions in any of the following frontier areas of research: Advertisement_for_Faculty_Recruitment_0.pdf (220.17 KB) , Addendum.pdf (68.18 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-67 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju.

NCU-EMR-67.pdf (812.75 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-66 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Subi J. George.

NCU-Centre-66.pdf (466.58 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow for Synchrotron support at Indian Beamline in the Photon Factory, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow for Synchrotron support at Indian Beamline in the Photon Factory, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

KEK - Advt.pdf (144.92 KB)
List of selected candidates for the position of R & D Assistant/Project Assistant/ Research Associate under the guidance of Prof. Ranjan Datta R&D Staff

List of selected candidates for the position of R & D Assista

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-65 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju.

Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-65.pdf (815.57 KB)
Temporary position of R&D Assistant/Project Assistant under the guidance of Dr.Bivas Saha R&D Staff

Essential Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science or Graduate/Post Graduate Degree in Professional Science

Desirable Qualification: Expertise in thin film growth and characterization techniques. 

Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB) , R&D - Dr. Bivas Saha.pdf (25.17 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Candidates  should have Ph.D with atleast 1-2 years of Post-Doctoral experience working in Microhydrodynamics and an established publication record in the field.

RA advt.1_0.pdf (2.18 MB) , RA advt 2_0.pdf (2.05 MB)
Temporary position of R&D Assistant/Project Assistant/Research Associate R&D Staff

Temporary position of R&D Assistant/Project Assistant/Research Associate to work on Advanced transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques and theory under the guidance of Prof. Ranjan Datta, ICMS

Advt. No.01-2022 dated 09.06.2022-.pdf (445.74 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Project Scientist II in CPMU R&D Staff

JNCASR is looking for a Project Scientist II to work in CPM Unit More information is available in attached advertisement.

Advertisement.pdf (689.8 KB) , Application proforma_0.docx (43.82 KB)
Jr. Hindi Translator cum Typist Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for the position of “Junior Hindi Translator cum Typist” on contract basis for a period of one year (renewa

Advertisement for Hindi Translator - 26.05.2022.pdf (215.63 KB)
Section Officer Other

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Ad

Advt. of Section Officer.pdf (201.26 KB)
Coordinator (PR) and Coordinator (Security, Legal and Campus Management) Other

Jawaharlal Nehru

Advertisement.pdf (620.92 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate to work in the area of Phase Transitions in Condensed Matter Systems under the guidance of Prof. Subir K. Das, Theoretical Sciences unit, JNCASR.

TSU_SKD_C_RA02_Advertisement.pdf (495.12 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (246.73 KB)
R&D Assistant position in Neuroscience Unit R&D Staff

Advt. No. NSU/AR/2022/01, Date: 11 May 2022

RnD Assistant_NSU_AR_2022_01.pdf (224.78 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (246.73 KB) , Application proforma.docx (43.82 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-64 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the Position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-64_0.pdf (188.13 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Senior Project Associate: NCU-EMR-62 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Senior Project Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-62.pdf (220.52 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical/Laboratory Assistant: NCU-EMR-63 Other

Advertisement for the Position of Technical/Laboratory Assistant in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-63.pdf (258.4 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Senior Project Associate: NCU-EMR-62 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Senior Project Associate in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-62.pdf (220.52 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
R & D Assistant. R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary position of R&D Assistant to work under the guidance of Prof. Maneesha Inamdar, Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit,

Adverytisement.pdf (561.29 KB) , Application proforma (4).docx (43.82 KB)
Advertisement for various project positions under a Technology Project Other

Advertisement for various project positions under a Technology Project jointly among JNCASR-Bangalore, CeNS-Bangalore, IIT-Jodhpur and HHV-Bangalore (Industry Partner)

Adv. CPMU_project-06.pdf (310.49 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (163.63 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-61 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-61.pdf (796.67 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-60 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. T. Govindaraju, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-60.pdf (838.56 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-59 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar

Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-59.pdf (154.18 KB)
Junior research fellow, Senior research fellow and Laboratory Assistant.

Applications are invited for Prof. Maneesha Inamdar's lab for the position of Junior research fellow, Senior research fellow and Laboratory Assistant.

Application proforma_6.pdf (246.73 KB) , Advertisemnt for JRF-SRF etc.pdf (760.19 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Personal Assistant/Office Secretary Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified, experienced and motivated candidates for the position of “Personal Assistant/Office Secretary”

Advt for Personal assistant.pdf (252.66 KB)
Position of Office Executive Other Advertisement for position of office executive.pdf (232.68 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-58 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Dr. Premkumar Senguttuvan.

Application proforma_5.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-58.pdf (204.13 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant Trainee-CPMU-Centre-05 Other

Advertisement for the Position of Technical Assistant Trainee at CPMU under Prof. A. Sundaresan

CPMU-Centre-05.pdf (632.94 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-54 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi.

NCU-EMR-54.pdf (740.56 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-57 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-57.pdf (810.66 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Scientific Administrative Assitant: NCU-EMR-56 Administrative Staff

Advertisement for the position of Scientific Administrative Assitant in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-56.pdf (802.63 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-55 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-55.pdf (821.59 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of RA/RA(P): NCU-Centre-52 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of RA/RA(P) in the lab of Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma.

NCU-Centre-52.pdf (206.36 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Research Associate or Research Associate (Provisional) Research Associate

An advertisement for the position of research Associate at the lab of Prof. Anuranjan Anand.

RA Advertisement.pdf (577.88 KB) , Application proforma.docx (43.82 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-54 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow at the lab of Dr. Pratap Vishnoi.

NCU-EMR-54.pdf (736.36 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB)
Part-time technical expert (Engineer) Other

Advertisment for part time technical expert.pdf (439.07 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-53 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-53.pdf (1.04 MB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Empanelment of Counsellor on contract basis Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for empanelment of Counsellor. 

Advertisement for Empanelment of Counsellor_0.docx (120.8 KB)
Advertisement for the position of RA/RA(P): NCU-Centre-52 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of RA/RA(P) at the lab of Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma

NCU-Centre-52_1.pdf (206.41 KB) , Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant: NCU-EMR-51 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant at the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar

NCU-Centre-51.pdf (439.27 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-50 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at the lab of Prof. Jayanta Haldar.

NCU-EMR-50.pdf (516.11 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-49 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow at the lab of Dr. Premkumar Senguttuvan.

NCU-EMR-49.pdf (193.09 KB) , Application proforma_13.pdf (238.34 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow: NCU-EMR-48 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow in the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

NCU-EMR-48.pdf (1.39 MB) , Application proforma_12.pdf (238.34 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-43 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter

Application proforma_11.pdf (238.34 KB) , NCU-EMR-43_1.pdf (2.83 MB)
Advertisement for the position of Project Associate-1: NCU-EMR-42 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Project Associate-I at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter.

NCU-EMR-42_1.pdf (3.27 MB) , Application proforma_10.pdf (238.34 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-47 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at the laboratory of Prof. T. Govindaraju

NCU-Centre-47.pdf (394.24 KB) , Application proforma_9.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Technical/Field Assistant : NCU-EMR-46 Other

Advertisement for the position of Technical/ Field Assistant at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter.

NCU-EMR-46_0.pdf (2.08 MB) , Application proforma_8.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant: NCU-EMR-45 Administrative Staff

Advertisement for the position of Scientific Administrative Assistant

NCU-EMR-45_0.pdf (2.17 MB) , Application proforma_7.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-44 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter.

Application proforma_6.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-44_0.pdf (1.51 MB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-43 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter.

Application proforma_5.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-43_0.pdf (1.61 MB)
Advertisement for the position of Project Associate-I: NCU-EMR-42 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of Project Associate-I at the lab of Prof. Sebastian C. Peter.

Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-42_0.pdf (1.93 MB)
Research Associate Research Associate

institutional Funds-advt,etc (2).docx (76.67 KB)
R&D Assistant/Project Assistant to work on the project titled "Small molecule modulators of Autophagy" under the guidance of Prof. Sridhar Rajaram R&D Staff

R&D Assistant (Remuneration Rs.19,000/

Advt - Sridhar Rajaram (07.12.2021).pdf (149.77 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate/Research Associate (provisional): NCU-Centre-41 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate/Research Associate (provisional) at Prof. Sarit S. Agati's laboratory.

Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-41.pdf (217.27 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-40 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Prof. Sebastian C. Peter's laboratory.

Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-40.pdf (743.27 KB)
Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant: NCU-Centre-39 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of R&D Assistant at Prof. T. Govindaraju's laboratory, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-39.pdf (697.41 KB)
Temporary position of Consultant at CPMU Other

Essential Qualification - M.Sc in Physics

Desirable Qualification - Candidate should have basic knowledge and experience about Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

Advt No.003 for Consultant Position.pdf (376.53 KB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of JRF: NCU-EMR-38 R&D Staff

Advertisement for the position of JRF at Prof. Sebastian C. Peter's laboratory, New Chemistry Unit

Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-38.pdf (719.71 KB)
R&D Assistant position in Neuroscience Unit R&D Staff

The Neurodevelopment lab, headed by Dr. Achira Roy, in Neuroscience Unit, JNCASR, is looking for an R&D assistant to join in December 2021. More information is available in attached advertisement.

RnD Assistant_NSU_AR_2021_01_0.pdf (122.47 KB) , Application proforma_0.docx (43.82 KB) , Application proforma_0_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Coordinator Other

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), an aut

Coordinators.pdf (619.26 KB)
Junior Hindi Translator cum Typist Other

Applications are invited from well-qualified and skilled candidates for the position of “Junior Hindi Translator cum Typist” on contract basis for a period of one year (renewa

Advt for Hindi Translator.pdf (216.13 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-36 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Prof. H. Ila's laboratory.

Application proforma_1.pdf (238.34 KB) , NCU-Centre-36.pdf (659.41 KB)
Postdoctoral research associate position in group of N S Vidhyadhiraja Research Associate

We invite bright individuals with experience in numerical and analytical quantum many body techniques to apply for a research associate position in our group.

TSU_NSV_RA_C_01_0.pdf (394.37 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-35 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Prof. Kanishka Biswas' laboratory

NCU-EMR-35.pdf (939.64 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Project Assistant position under GATI project R&D Staff

Applications are invited for one position of Project Assistant on purely temporary basis to work under the project “Gender Advancement for T

Advertisement for the position of JRF/SRF: NCU-EMR-34 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Junior Research Fellow or Senior Research Fellow at Prof. Jayanta Haldar's laboratory

Application proforma.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-34.pdf (144.45 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

The Applicant Should hold Ph.D of equivalent degree OR three years of research, teaching, design and development after with at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal.

Advt 1.pdf (1.06 MB) , advt 2.pdf (984.19 KB)
Project Assistant position under GATI project JNCASR-GATI-hiring.docx (112.17 KB)
Applications are invited for an R&D position in a DBT funded project. R&D Staff

M.Sc. Life Sciences (preferably in Biotechnology, Mol. Biol.)
Must Clear one of the qualifying exams- UGC/ CSIR /DBT /GATE
Candidates having experience working in a research lab will be given preference.

Application for the position of Network Administrator (Contractual) Other

Complab of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for A

Advt_Network_Admin.pdf (89.03 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-33 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Dr. Sarit S. Agasti's laboratory, New Chemistry Unit

NCU-EMR-33.pdf (209.82 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Technical Assistant:NCU-Centre-32 Other

Advertisement for the position of Technical Assistant under Prof. Sebastian C. Peter and Prof. Tapas K. Maji, JNCASR

Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-32_Single Crystal XRD_1.pdf (187.86 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-31 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Prof. T. Govindaraju's Laboratory, New Chemistry Unit, JNCASR

Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-EMR-31.pdf (818.26 KB)
Postdoctoral research associate position: Quantum many body theory and strongly correlated electron systems Research Associate

     A postdoctoral research associate position is available in our group (N.S.Vidhyadhiraja) at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR).  We focus on strongly correlated systems, and we employ techniques of quantum many-body theory such as diagrammatic

Advertisement_TSU_IISc-NSM_NSV_RA_P_01.pdf (432.19 KB) , Application proforma (2).pdf (246.73 KB)
Postdoc position in Vidhyadhiraja group: Strongly correlated electronic systems Research Associate

Postdoctoral Research Associate

TSU_NSV_RA_C_01.pdf (394.37 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-EMR-30 Research Associate

Advertisement for the position of Research Associate at Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma's laboratory, NCU, JNCASR

NCU-EMR-30.pdf (236.09 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow for Synchrotron support at Indian Beamline in the Photon Factory, KEK, Japan Research Associate
Advertisement for the position of Postdoctoral Fellow for Synchroton Support at Indian Beamline in the Photon Factory, KEK, Japan
Advt- Synchroton Support-KEK, Japan.pdf (429.83 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-29 Research Associate

Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate at Dr. Bani Kanta Sarma's laboratory, New Chemistry Unit.

NCU-Centre-29.pdf (207.08 KB) , Application proforma_0.pdf (238.35 KB)
Research Associate Research Associate

Candidates with Ph.D or equivalent OR three years of research, teaching, design and development with at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) Journal.

Advt. page 1.pdf (978.96 KB) , Advt page 2.pdf (999.91 KB)
Advertisement for the position of JRF/SRF: NCU-EMR-28 Research Associate NCU-EMR-28.pdf (751.49 KB) , Application proforma_4.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Research Associate: NCU-Centre-27 Research Associate NCU-Centre-27.pdf (739.46 KB) , Application proforma_3.pdf (238.35 KB)
Advertisement for the position of Technical Assistant:NCU-Centre-25 Other Application proforma_2.pdf (238.35 KB) , NCU-Centre-25.pdf (698.04 KB)
RA Position in CPMU Dept (Molecular Electronics Lab) Research Associate

Application Invited for RA Position in CPMU Dept.

Expertise in solar modules and wafers, image processing tools, big data analysis, high speed data acquisition and modelling skills, and should have high quality publications.

CPMUEMR002.pdf (331.51 KB) , Application proforma_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Research Associate Position Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate to work in the general area of phase transitions in condensed matter systems under the guidance of Prof. Subir K. Das, Theoretical Sciences Unit. See the attachments for more details.

Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB) , TSU-SKD-C-RA-01.pdf (616.16 KB)
temporary position of R & D Assistant under Dr. Bivas Saha, ICMS Unit R&D Staff

R &D.pdf (1.11 MB) , Application Form_1.pdf (246.73 KB)
Technical Assistant to operate Scanning Electron Microscope and XPS (On contract) Other
Advt no.03 (23.06.2021).pdf (1.49 MB) , Application Form_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
Technical Assistant to operate Photoluminescence spectrometer (On contract) Other
Advt No.04 (23.06.2021).pdf (1.5 MB) , Application Form.pdf (246.73 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Assistant (Part Time) R&D Staff

Applications are invited for temporary position of  Research Assistant (Part Time)

Advt_-PART_TIME_Research_Assistant.pdf (409.14 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Applications are invited for temporary position of Research Associate.

advt_for_RA_0.pdf (890.92 KB)
List of selected candidates for the position of R&D Assistant/Project Assistant to work on Organocatalytic Polymerization R&D Staff List of shortlisted candidates - 21.06.2021.pdf (191.31 KB)
Advertisement for the Position of Research Associate Research Associate

Experience in Thin film coating, Nano lithography and Device fabrication.

EMR advt. serb supra RA.pdf (504.89 KB) , Application proforma.pdf (246.73 KB)
R&D Assistant/Project Assistant to work on Organocatalytic Polymerization R&D Staff

1.  R&D Assistant (Remuneration Rs.19,000/- (Without NET/GATE etc), Rs.25,000/- (With NET/GATE etc) and Rs.28,000/- (M.E/M.